Freshwater clams aren't hard to keep. But they need good quality water (just like fish) and will have to be fed.
I feed mine spirulina algae and a special 'clam food' concoction I made in the kitchen. They do well and are growing nicely on it.
I keep mine in small, plastic apple sauce containers full of sand (single serve kind) in my aquarium. This keeps them contained and makes checking on them much easier.
I have "golden clams". They're neat to watch as they feed. Mine adore the occasional organic carrot juice treat as well. They're spoiled and I love them, LOL.
I have a sand/mulm substrate. I never let my clams "free range" through the tank because if they did die for some reason they could muck the parameters up quickly.
Here is my HubPage with the recipe I feed my clams.
Pet Clams: Homemade Freshwater Clam Food
It works for us, might not for you. I'd say there are lots of different things they will eat happily- just remember, they're filter-feeders so need small particles. And that they are animals- not plants.
Introduction: Keeping Freshwater Clams In Aquariums
Happy Fish Keeping.
Edited to add;
Avoid collecting clams from the wild as many are endangered. You may be able to help rid your local water ways of invasive species though. As your local Fish and Game department.