my reef tank


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
hey. i got the tank second hand off ebay was a bargins really. will try a remember everything. i picked it up on a monday nite and after 2-3 hours of cleaning the tank and getting all the trop stuff out it looked like this

i added the water and sand bed the next next day then waited a few days for everything to settle and to get upto temp. i then added my stock from my old tank and all the water luckly i didn't have any problems or spikes.
this is how it looked

so after letting things get settle down and fish and corals settle in. i got more LR and corals. so it was starting to take shape

then i found a very nice fish it was a blue tang and was going to be my last fish into the tank.bout 2 weeks after having him i got white spot which most of my fish got.i lost the blue tang a yellow clown goby and a sharknose goby. after i had got the spot under control and got rid of it. i started having problems with my nirates. nirates were reading bout 20ppm so was doing bout 2 10% water change a week.finally got them to zero and they r still there now thankfully.

this is how the tank was looking. i change the lighting from t8s to 2 aqua rays reef white and 1 marine white

i think that being us to present day. i have in the tank at the mom different coral bout 10 feather dusters 2 coco worms one white and red and the other red and orange. 2 cleaner shrimp a peppermint shrimp (somewhere) bout 10 hermits and 16 snails. fishes r 2 clowns 2 peacock wrasse 1 royal gramma 1 tiger watchmen goby 1 yellow headed jawfish 1 sailfin tang 1 firefish and 1 flasher wrasse 1green banded goby. i know that my sailfin tang is going to need rehoming at some point.
some pics of the tank now.

thats me hope i didn't bore u to much.
let me know what u think good or bad all comments welcome
thanks phil


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
it looks awesome and lively! If you are having nitrates in the system that you do not want, and you are not dosing anything in particular, then you could probably use something like Chemi-pure Elite and Purigen in your filter or fuge or sump or w/e you have running. those will help get rid of phosphates and nitrates if you do not have them running already :)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
good parameters there. how often do you do a water change and how much water is changed out in order to get a nitrate reading that low? (assuming you meant 2ppm nitrates)
Also are you running anything like chemi-pure or active carbon or purigen in your sump/filter/fuge?


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
good parameters there. how often do you do a water change and how much water is changed out in order to get a nitrate reading that low? (assuming you meant 2ppm nitrates)
Also are you running anything like chemi-pure or active carbon or purigen in your sump/filter/fuge?
i do a water change normally once a week but with my nitrates being so low i have bin doing one every 2 weeks. its bout 20% change so bout 10 or 20 ltrs yeah i meant 2 ppm. the only thing i run in my filter is rowa phos and carbon thats it. i remove all the filter media bout 2 months ago before i remove them my nitrates were 40 ppms. then after i removed all the media on a saturday and tested water bout 3 days after and they were at 0


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I use filter wool/floss in my filter too but I use a small amount just to catch debris. never had nitrates building in there...maybe you used a large amount and did not replace all of it weekly?


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
Very nice tank! I really love it!
hey, what is the gallonage of that tank? and do have any other filters than the internal power filter and LR?
thank you its 27.5 gallons they is no other filter just a canister filter with phos remover and carbon the internal filter is just for more flow and its got a uv in it.


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
well this week has bin not a good week really had to cut a big bit of my pink pussey coral off has it was dying then i have some problems with my ro water which is now sorted and i have broke my 25 ltr water cannisters oops.
some new picces



Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
its like that most of the time then it goes into a sunk then pops up like that again i did have it high it the water close to the lights but it didn't like it so put it lower down. think it looks hungry cuz i had put coral food in bout 5 mins before the pic was taken