my reef tank


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
lol thanks three aquarays over it 2 reefwhite and 1 marine white its LED all the way for me. don't like MH they r to much money to run and replacing the bulbs is a pain. the LED r only costed me just under a tenner a month to run.


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
at the min i have a korilla 2, internal uv filter, and a cannister filter for flow which is giving me a flow rate for 32x the tank volume. my idea is or get a korilla 1 or another korilla 2 to up my flow rate. i would be taking the uv filter out of the tank and the korilla 1 or2 would go in its place. if i got the korilla 1 it would take my flow rate to 37.6x tank vol and the korilla 2 is 48x tank vol thats if i have worked it out right. any help would be great and if someone knows how to work out flow rate got let me know how to i can tell u if the numbers r right.

thanks phil


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
its update time everything is running great bin doing some fragging over the last week. pom pom crab is doing great. bin thinking bout get a another korilia 2 for the tank to add more flow.

pom pom crab


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
this is a new frag i have had this week. think my flasher wrasse is dead haven't seen it for going on 5 days now

a little video clip at feeding time watch out for the jawfish near the end.



Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
had abit of a change in the tank yesterday i have taken my pink pussey coral to my lfs and got a kenya tree coral and going get another coral next week when they have a delivery of new corals. the pink pussey coral was just getting too big and some coral were shaded by it.

this is how the tank looks now

May 4, 2010
hey. i got the tank second hand off ebay was a bargins really. will try a remember everything. i picked it up on a monday nite and after 2-3 hours of cleaning the tank and getting all the trop stuff out it looked like this

i added the water and sand bed the next next day then waited a few days for everything to settle and to get upto temp. i then added my stock from my old tank and all the water luckly i didn't have any problems or spikes.
this is how it looked

so after letting things get settle down and fish and corals settle in. i got more LR and corals. so it was starting to take shape

then i found a very nice fish it was a blue tang and was going to be my last fish into the tank.bout 2 weeks after having him i got white spot which most of my fish got.i lost the blue tang a yellow clown goby and a sharknose goby. after i had got the spot under control and got rid of it. i started having problems with my nirates. nirates were reading bout 20ppm so was doing bout 2 10% water change a week.finally got them to zero and they r still there now thankfully.

this is how the tank was looking. i change the lighting from t8s to 2 aqua rays reef white and 1 marine white

i think that being us to present day. i have in the tank at the mom different coral bout 10 feather dusters 2 coco worms one white and red and the other red and orange. 2 cleaner shrimp a peppermint shrimp (somewhere) bout 10 hermits and 16 snails. fishes r 2 clowns 2 peacock wrasse 1 royal gramma 1 tiger watchmen goby 1 yellow headed jawfish 1 sailfin tang 1 firefish and 1 flasher wrasse 1green banded goby. i know that my sailfin tang is going to need rehoming at some point.
some pics of the tank now.

thats me hope i didn't bore u to much.
let me know what u think good or bad all comments welcome
thanks phil
They are beautiful


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
well its official my skimmers is pants. all it has do it blow loads of bubbles and i mean billions. so try the normal stuff adjusting air intake nothing then i clean it and still nothing it is doing my head.


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
a little update the extra flow i added to the tank has made a big different corals all look loads better now and fish seem to like it to. hopefully will be getting a black or blue background for my tank so it should look loads better than. some more pics.
from the side



Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
hey i haven't bin on for a bit so just though i would do abit of an update. had a bin of a drop in mag it was down to 800 but got some buffer for it and its now at 1350ppm and i have lost a cleaner shrimp and my tiger watchmen goby but other than that tanks is running great all water params r spot on and my nitrate r at 10ppm which i am happy with. fish and corals r all looking and doing great. my male clownfish is hosting a mushie and the female is trying to host some zoas. time for some pics and a video.