betta info


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2010
I am about to buy a betta and need all the information I can get. I know that they breath air and that they're insect eaters and findjng mosquito larvae is no problem in louisiana. Tell me everything I need to know about a betta.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
you need to set up another tank for a Betta. and cycle it just the same as for any other fish.
The lack of grammar, spelling and overall inability to follow directions or answer questions leads me to believe dandre is, in fact, either mentally disabled or just plain ignorant.

There is absolutely no point in telling him anything or suggesting anything to him. He is going to do whatever random thing he chooses regardless of how horrible of an idea it is.


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2010
U must be talking about yourself because U are the mentally disabled one. Im not the one who messed up. U should reread and fix your mistake,newman is the one who made grammer mistakes, U must be the ignorant one or the disabled one. U should think about fixing yourself before u approach me like that again.

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Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
I just set up a five gallon and I have a beautiful crowntail who is very happy! All you really need is probablt like at least a three gallon with a filter and heater kept around 80 degrees F. I feed mine this high protien flake food that has dried brine shrimp in it called BettaMin Tropical Medly - the Vibrant Blend by Tetra and he is doing great with beautiful colors, but mosqito larva would probably really good as well! Good luck!
(Oh ya, and make sure there is quite a few decorations/plants to help keep him/her company!) :)


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2010
A betta is the perfect fish for me. Temperature isn't a problem in louisiana. My betta loves the tetra freeze dried blood worms. Im waiting for some mosquitos to lay eggs in a clean 2 liter bottle outside. The only thing wrong is that the first two fins closest to the head of my betta look wrinkled. I think thats his anal fin not sure but The rest of his fins look healthy and blue.

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Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
U must be talking about yourself because U are the mentally disabled one. Im not the one who messed up. U should reread and fix your mistake,newman is the one who made grammer mistakes, U must be the ignorant one or the disabled one. U should think about fixing yourself before u approach me like that again.
The fact you could not spell the word Grammar and the various issues I placed in bold text prove my point.

Good luck to you though. You are going to need it!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
U must be talking about yourself because U are the mentally disabled one. Im not the one who messed up. U should reread and fix your mistake,newman is the one who made grammer mistakes, U must be the ignorant one or the disabled one. U should think about fixing yourself before u approach me like that again.
yea dude relax, we're just trying to help...


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Hi guys, haven't been on for a while and was just catching up on bits and bobs when I came across this thread.

I was really disappointed to read the comments about calling people mentally disabled because of a spelling or grammer mistake, when this website is about bringing people, who share a common interest, together. :(

I myself have a "mentally disabled" (special in my terms) brother. I love him very much and he can't even write, let alone make a post on this website, so why do you guys feel you can be so unkind to each other for an honest mistake regarding spelling and grammer?

Life is far too short to be mad at someone you hardly know, I try to be kind to everyone because you never know ;)

I really enjoy talking to people on this site, please don't ruin it :rolleyes: