what to add????

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
first off i want to say im glad im back on here its been about 4 months. i have actively kept up my tank for 2 1/2 years now. i have done lots of research and learning on this site for awhile now (on the fish and plants i have in my tank plus i have kept lots of other fish) so i am far from a noob, BUT what i come to ask i am a noob in and dont know much about.

so some input would be great here. i know for sure im going to add 1 more female swordtail to take some stress off of my female. i also have been contemplating a stingray pleco. i found one for $8 at the lfs here in town.

what to get? i was thinking doing maybe like 3 or 4 colorful guppies (which ive never kept before) or i think there are like tetras or danios but they are the bright green, red, yellow, and orange colored (i want to do 1 of each color). they look like neons but much more beautiful.

i know some of you say i will be overstocked. yes i am aware of my perimeters. i use dual filtration and watch my tank very closely. im also prepared to do more frequent water changes. i have slowly selected my selection (which is in my sig) and am aware of how my tank will react (in wise of possibly overstocking). i have also selected and added plants that should help some on keeping water levels fairly level. ive been thinking about adding some watersprite also to help remove any harmful nutrients in the water. i also have a lot of bottom feeders to keep up on cleaning the tank. i think tho if i want to add more im going to add the stingray pleco.

all constructive criticism is welcome. if you have kept either let me know the benefits of each or downfalls of each. do one or the other put off a higher bioload or are they equal? looking at more than likely do 4 of one of them.

thanks for taking your time for stopping by and reading and commenting.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
so some input would be great here. i know for sure im going to add 1 more female swordtail to take some stress off of my female. i also have been contemplating a stingray pleco. i found one for $8 at the lfs here in town.
Stingray plecos are not plecos - they're hillstream loaches which need a good water flow and cooler temperatures than the majority of your other fish. Not the most efficience algae eaters, you're best sticking with your otos and plecos.

what to get? i was thinking doing maybe like 3 or 4 colorful guppies (which ive never kept before) or i think there are like tetras or danios but they are the bright green, red, yellow, and orange colored (i want to do 1 of each color). they look like neons but much more beautiful.
Do you mean glofish? They're genetically modified zebra danios giving them the bright colours. Like normal zebras they're very active fish. Guppies, if you keep males and females, will breed like mad - just males will squabble a bit, though this rarely (if ever) results in injury. I don't like them bit I'd go with the glofish.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
glofish. yes that is them. ok then i will look at getting them. i like their vibrant colors.

ok the pleco i was looking at wasnt exactly a stingray pleco, i should clarify. it looked very similar but had a different name, so it said at the lfs. it looked a little different. it has 1 sail fin on each side not 2 like the stingrays. unless i am mistaken. i havent done too much research yet. i know i want to get a smaller pleco that doesnt get bigger than 3" so it is a little more efficient. maybe ill just get another bristlenose not albino this time and try to find a male because i think i have a female

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Unfortunately you won't find one that gets to less than 4 or 5 inches, though many of us wish mini plecos existed!

Is this by any chance the fish you saw?

no. it was 1 solid wing on each side not 2.

how do you figure on not finding a pleco that only gets not bigger than 4-5 inches? my clown pleco will never get larger than 3", my old rubberlips wouldnt get any bigger than 3", the albino bristlenose will not get any bigger than 3-4", regular bristlenoses will get from 4-6" max, most of the L strand dont get any bigger than 3-6"


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
no. it was 1 solid wing on each side not 2.
Probably best having a search on planetcatfish, you sure it wasn't a typical sailfin? Unfortunately lots of plecos fit the description you've given.. did it have any specific colourings/markings?

how do you figure on not finding a pleco that only gets not bigger than 4-5 inches? my clown pleco will never get larger than 3", my old rubberlips wouldnt get any bigger than 3", the albino bristlenose will not get any bigger than 3-4", regular bristlenoses will get from 4-6" max, most of the L strand dont get any bigger than 3-6"
Healthy specimens of all of the above should have no issues reaching 4 - 6 inches, though granted rubberlips only just scrape 4 inches fully grown. Regardless of size though they still pump out of a lot of waste, otos are much more efficient.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
the best description i can give would not make it like most pleco's. the wing on the side was like half of a oval and the other side was the other half expect the oval extended from top of body to the sailfin on the back. didnt have hifins.

from the fish ive kept in the past and the oto's ive kept for the last 6 months dont seem to clean up the algae as well as the pleco's. eveytime ive added multiple plecos they keep the algae off my glass. now this could be because i only have 5 otos for a whole 55g but ive also had for a long time the clown pleco and the loaches. i understand plecos give off more of a bioload but thats alright with me too. i do like a variety of bottom feeders.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
yeah im thinking a female pinneapple swordtail. but another female is definite in the future. will be doing a different color combo though

i found some pitbull pleco's at one of our local lfs's. what size do they get to? isnt it like 4". are they pretty active and good with plants?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Probably the smallest pleco available, we rarely seem to get them over here which is a shame, rarely reach 4 inches so if you can get them they probably fit what you want almost perfectly. Quite active, quite often called feisty, and works well in groups.

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Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
hmm maybe ill get one of them. i like plecos a lot. i was sad when i gave away my hifin a long time ago but he was just getting to big. i gave him away at 12" and i think he might be somewhere in between 14-16" now. plus he was destroying my plants. i like a variety so thats why i didnt want to do another bristlenose or clown. i think i may just go pick up that pitbull one. i also want to pick up 4 of thos glolights, 1 of red, green, orange, and yellow. hopefully while im out i can find another female swordtail for my stock. ive been looking for the last couple weeks. then after all that its just tending to aquascaping and plants and more plants.

man its been a long time to complete this hefty project. not that i couldnt have done it all at once, but that would of made a lot of stress, and not enough time for plants and fish to adjust


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
hmm maybe ill get one of them. i like plecos a lot. i was sad when i gave away my hifin a long time ago but he was just getting to big. i gave him away at 12" and i think he might be somewhere in between 14-16" now.
Tell me about it! It killed me having to give up my 14 inch common pleco about 4 years ago. Could have perfectly housed him but as you said, he wrecked my aquascape and stressed my fish every time he moved. Can only imagine where he might be now and I guess I can only hope he went to a good home where he can grow to his potential 2 feet :rolleyes: