any one use this product?


Small Fish
Apr 15, 2010
i know alot of you use prime but my lps doesn't cary i pruchased nutrafin aqua plus.should i hold off on using it again and try to order online?it says it makes tap water safe,removes chlorine and chloramine,neutralizes heavy metals,coats to protect scales and fins.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
ive used that stuff the whole time ive had my tank setup (2 1/2 years now, crap almost 3) and ive used it for my tap water. it works fine from what ive experienced. we have a lot of chlorine here in our tap water so i really need the stuff

Feb 27, 2009
i know alot of you use prime but my lps doesn't cary i pruchased nutrafin aqua plus.should i hold off on using it again and try to order online?it says it makes tap water safe,removes chlorine and chloramine,neutralizes heavy metals,coats to protect scales and fins.
If your water contains chloramine, when this product is used, it will add ammonia to your water when the chlorine is removed from the chloramine. As long as your biofilter (good bacteria) can handle the spike, you are good to go. The reason I like Prime is that it also binds that ammonia so its in a non-harmful form until the biofilter can process it.

Your product also adds botanical oils including aloe vera.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
If your water contains chloramine, when this product is used, it will add ammonia to your water when the chlorine is removed from the chloramine. As long as your biofilter (good bacteria) can handle the spike, you are good to go. The reason I like Prime is that it also binds that ammonia so its in a non-harmful form until the biofilter can process it.

Your product also adds botanical oils including aloe vera.
really i didnt know that. maybe i will switch to start using prime. do you use it when you do water changes to help contain harmful things?

is the botanical oils or aloe vera bad in any way?

Feb 27, 2009
do you use it when you do water changes to help contain harmful things?
I use Prime when doing every water change. Des Moines does use chloramine, which is made up a chlorine and ammonia. When a dechlor acts on chloramine, it breaks the bond between the chlorine and ammonia. The chlorine becomes a gas which quickly dissapates into the air, and the ammonia is left behind as a liquid in the water.

Speaking of Des Moines water (this may apply to other areas of the country and world), this time of year the nitrate level of tap water goes up. I keep a log of water tests and every 10 days or so I test my tap water too. I've been geting between 10 and 20 nitrates recently. This is common when ferts from farming are washed off the fields by rain.

is the botanical oils or aloe vera bad in any way?
I don't think it would be harmful, but I don't like the residue it puts on some types of plants. I've used Prime for years, back when I kept reef aquariums, have never had any problems with it, so continue to use it.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." is what I go by. HAHA!

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
i hear ya. thats awesome you have been testing des moines water for a long time now. i knew the chloramine was high around here but i didnt have any idea that that stuff leaves the ammonia and higher nitrates left behind. i will be switching to prime once my bottle is up (almost gone).

that explains why i would have ammonia spikes in my tank in the past when i tested my water after a water change. i know wdm water is worse. thank gosh i live in des moines now but i know its not a whole lot better.