Emperor tetras


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hi All,

I am intrested in buying some Emperor tetras. However, I am getting my confusion on!

It seems that there are 2 common types; Purple Emperor Tetra and the Royle Black Emperor Tetra.

I want the one with the 3 pointed tail (ie this one: Google Image Result for http://diszhal.info/halak/Nematobrycon_palmeri4.jpg) I belive that this is the Royal Black (Nematobrycon palmeri).

I'm not sure though.

Come on MFT! Hit me up with some knowledge!

Jan 8, 2009
Great choices of tetras may i add.

I would go with the Royal Black.I personally almost baught 7 of these beauties but ended up going with 7 gold pristella tetras and 6 congo tetras due to a great deal i had going.Eventually i will buy a shoal of them with few black skirts.In my opinion:The Royal black emperor tetra has the better look for the home aquarium.
As you stated:you wanted the ones with the 3 pointed tails?The Royal black emperor has the 3 pointed fin placement as you discribed.

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