Girl or boy?!


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

So this is the big bully I have been talking about and can't decide what sex!

I'm 99% sure she's a she because of her wide anal fin but she has been fat like that for well over a month and my other white molly has dropped a couple of weeks ago.

Please let me know what you think! :p

Thank you x x x x

P.S. How many pregnancies do they have? I know they store the sperm, but for how long?! My female tank is still a baby making machine and they don't seem to be interested in eating the fry any longer and the little fry are just swimming around without a care in the world getting bigger and bigger!!



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
dont know if that plant you have there is aquatic but it sure goes great with white sand!

mollies can store sperm from one mating and give birth up to 8 times from that single mating. 8 is highly unlikely but thats the max I've heard.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
You're kidding?! I bought the plants from my LFS and come to think if it, the were in a bag, not in the water. I was told they were aquatic but the leaves are starting to get eaten or dying. Not all of them but a few.........

8??! Gosh, imagine that in human :p

Really going off context here (big time) but is anybody a swimming teacher or swims a lot?!

x x x x x


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Eye roll, Newman.
Cammie, I don't know tons about plants but I'm pretty sure that plant isn't aquatic, meaning eventually it will rot and die. Lots of fish stores sell plants that aren't true aquatics - it's a really frustrating practice. It does look lovely with your sand tho'. Maybe when you are ready for more plants, you can take pics of what your lfs has and their offical latin name if your lfs can provide that - then check back here or elsewhere online to confirm whether they are true aquatics or not.