Changing Fish From Only Live Foods

Feb 27, 2009
I've been breeding the Badis badis for over 2 years now and have a question for anyone else that has had luck in getting wild-caught fish to take commercially prepared foods.

I was able to acclimate the WC females to frozen and freeze dried worms or shrimp within a few months. Although I still give them live blackworms once a week or so, they eagerly eat the frozen and freeze dried foods offered.

The WC males will GRUDGING take frozen worms or shrimp, but will not even look at freeze dried anything.

First-generation captive bred juvies and adults will eat as the WC females.

Second-generation, same as first.

None will look at pellets (sinking or floating) or anything else 'commercially prepared.'

I've tried dozens of different foods, even those that are designed for 'picky eaters' that 'stink' (my opinion!).

Anything commercially sold that you've tried that works for carnivores that would be more easily obtained by the average fishkeeper?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok here's what may help, take the Freeze dried food (bloodworms work best) and tie a tiny piece of line to it long enough to get to the bottom and still hold in fingers. Make the worms look like there alive and the Badis should take it, let me know how it work's. if it doesnt i have other techniques :)


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
I would suggest mixing the freeze dried worms with a commercially prepared food, maybe a 50/50 concentration. As they adjust to it, then you can raise the concentration of commercial food to worms day by day.


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Well then, try just not feeding any live foods at all and only feeding the commercial foods. When they get hungry enough, they should eat it regardless of the type of food...

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
They've gone for hunger strikes for 7 days with still no interest in commercial foods. Starving them is not an option. They often starve in pet stores due to this kind of treatment.

I am not looking for ideas to try, but am looking for ideas that have worked for others that have a specie(s) that does not acclimate to commercial foods easily.

Thanks anyway.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
They've gone for hunger strikes for 7 days with still no interest in commercial foods. Starving them is not an option. They often starve in pet stores due to this kind of treatment.

I am not looking for ideas to try, but am looking for ideas that have worked for others that have a specie(s) that does not acclimate to commercial foods easily.

Thanks anyway.
just bumping this thread OrangeCones.
youve got me curious ! lol
i wish i could offer some advice but none to give.
interesting question, and i would like to know how you make out.

Feb 27, 2009
For now, I'm trying some dither fish. Pearl Danio are crazy nuts when it comes to eating. So far, the two Badis badis females I added to the danio tank show great interest in rushing to the surface when food appears, but no luck in getting them to try flake. I'm hopeful, its only been 4 day. A least they are coming up to check it out.