Angelfish tankmates.... If any?


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2010
Long Island, New York
I have a 30 gallon with 2 angelfish(Breeding pair) and well thats about it i want my tank to look more lively so my question is what are some good tankmates for my angelfish? What i wanted to go in there is maybe some schooling fish but im not that into them but what i really want for the tank was maybe 1 or 2 rams. Could i do this? Any suggestions are welcome!

Dec 14, 2009
Rummynoses are brilliant in a shoal of 6-10. They reach 5cm, or about 2 and a half inches. you might want a bristlenose pleco. They don't get too big in comparison to common pleco's. The common livebearers are hardy and colourfull, but some people prefer fish that are less common, or pose more of a challenge to keep. The common livebearers include-
Fancy guppies
Endlers livebearers
All of these will breed verrrry easily. All of the above livebearers should be kept in a ratio of 1 male to 2 or 3 females, or all males, otherwise the females will become stressed. German blue rams are gorgeous, or gold rams. The only problem would be if both the rams and the angels chose to spawn at the same time- they'll be at war. same with kribensis.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hmmm, I've got a breeding pair of angels in my 39g, and they turn nasty every ten days, but the other fish in my tank know to stay away. They were introduced along with other fish before they formed a mated pair. In the past they didn't pick on my rams more than any other fish, so it's possible, but will really depend on how your angels react to having any fish introduced to their breeding environment. I would gradully introduce other fish that are going to be less potential problem - tetras of some sort (but make sure they are a good size or they can get eaten!) or maybe some cories?


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2010
Long Island, New York
Hello laura. Do you remeber me? I was that one person months ago that was following your angelfish breeding thread. Also thank you for your response and i will try to put some cardinal or black neon tetras, and the cories arent a bad idea either.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi Garloki - Of course I remember you! Last from you on that thread, IIRC, you were going to keep you angels in the 30g with the fry??? How did your angel fry turn out?
Back to your query: I'm worried that if you have had those two breeding angels in the 30g alone, they will spaz when anything else is introduced. How big are your angels now? Most of the cardinal tetras I introduced a while ago when I traded in my von rios disappeared - pretty sure it was the angels reacting to new and smallish fish. So I'd start with a bottom-feeding fish that won't be quite as irritating to the angels and then think about adding the tetras. Three or four cories - they will add 'zip' to your tank - or maybe some kind of loach? Can't remember if your 30g is well planted or decorated? That will help as well with the stress for the new fish of being dumped into the breeding environment and possibly being received with hostility.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2010
Long Island, New York
Glad to know you still remember :) and I was going to keep the angelfry with the parents but i got a new 10 gallon tank for the fry :). Back to the topic, I think Im going to put a small group of 3 cories and see how the angelfish react. If all goes well i will atempt to introduce the rams.

How are your angel fry/juvie doing? Mine are gaining a great blue koi looking pattern.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Glad to know you still remember :) and I was going to keep the angelfry with the parents but i got a new 10 gallon tank for the fry :). Back to the topic, I think Im going to put a small group of 3 cories and see how the angelfish react. If all goes well i will atempt to introduce the rams.

How are your angel fry/juvie doing? Mine are gaining a great blue koi looking pattern.
Good idea to try the cories first, I think. I'll be really interested to hear how the angels react. How often are they breeding? Can you post some pics of your fry?

My parents are on a pretty regular ten-day cycle - of course since I have their first fry/juvies in my 5g, I haven't had any place to put the other spawns, so the eggs have become midnight snacks for someone in the community tank before they get to the wiggler stage, but the parents are super diligent about blowing and fanning the eggs for the first few hours after they have bred.
I ended up with ten beautiful angel juvies, blushing goldens is what my lfs called them. I sold six back to my lfs, and the staff were so impressed with their colour, size and health that one of them actually bought my juvies to put into a show tank he had set up for a local dentist's office. I have four left in the 5g - I am trying to figure out how to time getting one more spawn from my pair, transfer the pair to an appreciate new owner, move the four juvies to the 39g and move the eggs to the 5g to try one more time at raising fry!
Someone suggested I could put the large pair in the 5g until they spawned, but I feel like even if it was for a short period if time, it might stress them out so much that they wouldn't spawn at all.
Anyway, back to you, G.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2010
Long Island, New York
I see your doing fine. As for me everything is well in my tank, although my angelfish havnt spawned in a little over 3 weeks for reasons i dont know. i hope they could go back to their spawning cycle soon as i only ended up with 3 angels, beautiful may i say, in a 10 gallon.

P.S- Good job on raising the angels and nice to hear the lfs story :)
P.S.S- im getting the cories along with 4 or 5 tetras tonight. Cant wait to see how the angels react!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Careful with the tetras - what kind are you getting? I made the mistake of introducing a school of cardinals to my tank just before the angels went into breeding mode, and several of them disappeared. I'm pretty sure the angels chomped them, poor things.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
Ive read that Bettas actually get along well with Angels. I have a couple angels in with my Betta right now, and nothing seems to be amiss. At the beginning they chased eachother around and a few fins got nipped, but after that they were fine.