transfering fish

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
does anyone think if i transfer the 8 neon tetras that i have in my 55g and possibly a couple oto's to my 16g it would send it into a mini cycle? i know they dont produce that much bio but it such a smaller tank

Feb 27, 2009
Until you know the water is stable (no ammonia spikes). I'd leave them for a week or more.

Then you can plant the stems horizontally (they will grow roots at all the nodes), just lay it down and put a bit of gravel on it to hold it down. You will then grow a line of them (looks like a forest of trees). I do this and then clip the 'forest' stems to sell.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
sweet thanks. alright i did some work on the tank tonight and changed some things around. i know i still have some taller ones up front but determining on their placing i will keep the longer leaves/stems trimmed to decent levels. i took out the java fern that i had in there, placed a small ball of java moss behind the driftwood w/ a little draped at top, trimmed the hornwart in the back right, trimmed the hygrophilia and replanted just to the right a little bit, moved around the vals to the back right behind the driftwood stretching from end to end in clusters (will probably have to trim in a couple weeks with the growth) and i also put just a couple on the far right side of the driftwood, added the aponthogen in center front (i dont know what kind it was a bulb that i bought 2 years ago at petsmart and within the last 6 months its finally grown) i placed in sag. subulata to the right of the aponthogen and to the left in a bunch, i trimmed up the rotala a bit and spread out the plants to give them a little room and more light rather than packed in that corner, i added more asian marshweed to the back left corner where i took the rotala from, and i added in several anacharis inbetween the rotala and the asian marshweed.

for fish/inverts that i added, i transfered 4 neon tetras (total will be 8 for coloration) and 1 oto (total will be 4) (that i can catch at this time) from the 55g and i took around 15+ more cherry shrimp from my 55g into there

i just got done stirring things up so sorry the pics are cloudy



Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Very nice tanks! I love planted tanks with driftwood.....natural looking!
I also like your snails they are very cool looking. Much cooler than my snails but then mine are food for my puffer so I guess it doesn't matter what they look like. Lol!

I don't know if you already stated this but what is the plant in the pictures of the snails?

Feb 27, 2009
I don't know if you already stated this but what is the plant in the pictures of the snails?
Hygrophilia polysperma var. 'sunset'. It's quite a hardy stem and given proper lighting, takes on the variagated colors of pink, yellow, green, and sometimes reddish/purple. In lower light and lack of ferts, it stays green, but still thrives (just not as fast a grower).

p.s. Thanks for the comment in the other thread when you were commenting about my baby elephant LOL!

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Hygrophilia polysperma var. 'sunset'. It's quite a hardy stem and given proper lighting, takes on the variagated colors of pink, yellow, green, and sometimes reddish/purple. In lower light and lack of ferts, it stays green, but still thrives (just not as fast a grower).

p.s. Thanks for the comment in the other thread when you were commenting about my baby elephant LOL!
it is very hardy. i have around .6wpg in the 55g and they are really yellow and pink and in the 16g where i have 1wpg it is very green and deep pink as you can see in my pics