Hello All I'm New =)


New Fish
Jul 23, 2010
yea i do have a heater i adjusted the temp last night before i went to bed... But i'm really the type if i want something no is not the answer for me i know it said not to and i did anyway but that's just me.... but i have another question my betta is always making those bubble nests what does it mean... i always clean them up and he just makes them again...

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Well, you'll have to learn to say "no" when it comes to fish because adding the wrong fish can lead to a huge problem, even a tank full of dead fish. Don't worry about the bubble nests. Males make them often and female bettas might make them occasionally. You don't need to break them up.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Do you have a heater in your tank? You need a heater. The small Tetra heaters are very cheap, only $15.
You say you don't like to see animals harmed or stressed and yet you did not listen when you read multiple times NOT to keep kuhli loaches in a tank that size. They will obviously become stressed out in a small tank, even if it isn't apparent at the moment.
You baffle me. You want to learn the hard way, but really, you are hurting your fish and not learning a lesson by ignoring what others have told you.
If your friend has a large enough tank, I would give them to her. Because by the time "worse comes to worse", it could be too late.
This person just saddens me. Sorry, but I don't think I can read this thread anymore.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
yea i do have a heater i adjusted the temp last night before i went to bed... But i'm really the type if i want something no is not the answer for me i know it said not to and i did anyway but that's just me.... but i have another question my betta is always making those bubble nests what does it mean... i always clean them up and he just makes them again...
Wow, I really can't believe what I'm reading!:(

Each to their own but maybe a good idea would be to not come on a forum like this (for people who care and love doing their hobby for more than, I don't know,5 minutes) and write those types of things. People get upset and don't like to waste their time helping you if you don't take their expert advice or even pretend like you care about your fish.


New Fish
Jul 23, 2010
Wow, I really can't believe what I'm reading!:(

Each to their own but maybe a good idea would be to not come on a forum like this (for people who care and love doing their hobby for more than, I don't know,5 minutes) and write those types of things. People get upset and don't like to waste their time helping you if you don't take their expert advice or even pretend like you care about your fish.

so your saying you want me to pretend? well i'm to grown to be pretending lol but if that's what floats ya boat... not like ya'll are going to be seeing me around here much anyway.... i asked a simple question n got my answer... there are plenty out there just like me so don't feel bad b/c i decided to join and post about something i was curious about ... people saying i make them sad is pathetic and no i really don't care but that's just me i usually don't when i start something new and it grows on me if it does i may stick around if not you guys know why


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Far enough and no I wouldn't want you to pretend but maybe be aware of the feelings of those you are interacting with but I'm an avoid conflict type of person. :p Most of the people who usually haunt this forum are very passionate about there aquariums and fish. So it's understandable that most of them would react very passionately to situations like this.

Personally I treat my fish the same as I would any pet I own...with care and compassion. Although there is a difference in the levels.....my cat is on a higher level because he is my baby!! :)

Jul 26, 2010
Fish who are kept in too small a space will have stunted growth, but their internal organs will continue to grow, thus shortening their life span and leading them to a painful, unnecessary death. It's not necessarily the size of the kuhlis that is the problem, but rather their activity level. Kuhlis are extremely active fish and putting them into a tank smaller than 20 gallons is just cruel because they don't have the room to play like they would in a larger tank. Kuhlis are fine in 50gal tanks, as are most species of catfish. Common plecos don't do so great in most tanks under 75gals because they are such massive waste producers.
Bass you seem to know alot about Betta's Im worried about adding shrimp's, Is there ANY possibility at all that they could get his fin's or damage him at all?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Bass you seem to know alot about Betta's Im worried about adding shrimp's, Is there ANY possibility at all that they could get his fin's or damage him at all?
I hate hijacking, but since you asked...what kind of shrimp? Most of the smaller shrimp will be fine (like red cherry, ghost, etc). I'd watch out with amano shrimp as they tend to get a little bigger. I had a friend who had a few amanos in with a male betta and the amanos loved to grab the betta's fins.