White Spots?

Gee, I'm so full of questions lately, sorry! Seems I'll be fine for awhile then out of nowhere have a zillion things going on. I tried searching a few places for some answers but most everything that comes up is about saltwater tanks and I have no idea how saltwater tanks work or if they get the same things freshwater have.

Right now I have teeny white spots that I've read could be snail eggs, algae, or just a build up of some kind. I don't think it's snail eggs because I've never had these spots before and have had these snails since day 1, still working on eradicating them. They are the ramshorn snails and some other types and their eggs have always been in the clear sacks. I do have a nerite snail, but have read they breed in brackish water and saltwater only.

It very well could be an algae. I haven't decreased or increased my CO2 and I have double the water circulation than before.

Some of the spots even look like water spots, like they are a little white ring without the center, while some are white dots. They are all on the glass except a few on the ulvaceus, lace leaf, and anubias congensis. Other than that they're just on the glass. Also they haven't moved in over a week if that helps at all.

Here's a few photos I tried circling them to make it a little easier to tell:

In the first photo all but one of those are on the glass.

Thanks so much for all the help you guys provide! It's awesome, especially for beginners like me :]

+1 on OrangeCones. I have nerite snails and find little pockets of their eggs (they kinda look like sesame seeds) on random surfaces. Nothing to fret about, except the aesthetics . . . .
Ah, perfect! Thanks you two!! :D I wasn't worried then they started going ALL over so I thought I'd ask, glad to hear it isn't anything awful.

And I don't think my aesthetics can get much worse right now, I built a new intake/spraybar set for my canister filter with white pvc pipe, so its not so pretty, but its doing what I need it to do for the bamboo shrimp, lace leaf, and water surface..