Hello MyFishTank Members.
I have been a member for some time now and have made many friends. There are many fish keeping fanatics on this forum who are kind,knowledgable, and you can trust them to give you reliable information.
Now, i want to know what are YOUR top 5 favorite Aquarium fish, and you top 5 Favorite Aquarium Plants
1 being the favorite going down to 5.
ill start you off
My favorite fish :
1.Blue Gourami 2.Betta fish 3.Bristlenose pleco 4.zebra danios 5.Molly
My favorite fish :
1.Water wisteria 2.Java moss 3.Java Fern 4.Amazon sword plant 5.Anubis nana
I have been a member for some time now and have made many friends. There are many fish keeping fanatics on this forum who are kind,knowledgable, and you can trust them to give you reliable information.
Now, i want to know what are YOUR top 5 favorite Aquarium fish, and you top 5 Favorite Aquarium Plants
1 being the favorite going down to 5.
ill start you off
My favorite fish :
1.Blue Gourami 2.Betta fish 3.Bristlenose pleco 4.zebra danios 5.Molly
My favorite fish :
1.Water wisteria 2.Java moss 3.Java Fern 4.Amazon sword plant 5.Anubis nana