Burned Fish?

I was turning the light on my tank this morning and looked around like I always do to see how everyone is. No dead shrimp, yay! I came back about 10 minutes later to feed them and I noticed my one of my cory cats lodged between the glass and heater. I've seen plenty of my fish do this but for some reason he looked dead. I just wiggled the heater a bit and he swam down, but it seemed he was actually stuck. Then I looked at him and on his gills and then above his gills and to the left he has this burns. Like he burned off his skin (scales? I'm drawing a blank). He swims perfectly fine he is eating, playing with the others. The burns don't look terrible, the one on his gills made his gills red the other one just looks like a peeling sunburn on a person.

Do you guys think he will be able to regrow that and be all right? Here's an almost visible picture -- and I thought the Cardinals were hard to take a photo of, this one sees the camera and is gone by light speed. The burn is on his gills then just a bit above it, about mid-section.

Darn fish.

Oh and would that mean my heater isn't any good? Or is it just because he must have been on it for so many minutes? I've never had this happen ever, it's a complete freak accident.

Dec 14, 2009
i think your heater iss ok, its just becausenhe may have been trapped behind for some time, causing him to slowly fell the heat, and then burn:( he should be fine though, i did have this happen to one of my fish before but he soon healed up :)

i think your heater iss ok, its just becausenhe may have been trapped behind for some time, causing him to slowly fell the heat, and then burn:( he should be fine though, i did have this happen to one of my fish before but he soon healed up :)
That's good to hear! It was so completely bizarre to me and he looks so sad, but I hope he soon will heal up like yours did!

wow that is an odd thing to have happen, hope he feels better soon!!
I know! I mean I understand that it can happen and it makes sense, but really, what are the odds!

He seems to still be doing good minus the fact that I'm probably stressing him out because I keep going over there to check on them. Just crazy.