Re-stocking 10 gallon


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
YES! As in, a DEFINITE NO on the paradise fish. And please, Fishman, don't destroy my faith that you are turning the corner about listening to advice here about what your tanks need - just pick what was said here is a good pick, that you also like, put ONLY them in the tank after it is properly cycled and all the stuff you know about, right? And then for blessed's sake, sit and watch your fish being HAPPY.
Then post pics for us every day! Tell us how funny your one mbuna was with the other, or the way your one gourami loves its 10g.
I understand that you are trying to do everything according to the advice you've had here. That rocks! But just take the previous stocking lists, add to tanks slowly, and enjoy. Stop messing with new combos. It's driving YOU crazy, it seems.
Plus, when you are able to own and maintain as many tanks as you want, well then you can have everything you were ever curious about. For now, m'dear, set up a couple of healthy tanks. We'd love to see that.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok but i want to make sure that fish that love to be in schools get that, 3 kuhli loach's are not enough to keep them happy so i need something to go in, everybody here please add your input so i can make a good descion, so far i know that il have: 5 Black Phantom Tetra's, 1 Flame Dwarf Gourami (already owned). Now shrimps are not common at my LFS, so were leaving them out. I cannot figure out what fish i can add that doesnt require a huge group, id like to have something besides Cory's cause i want to explore around and since ive had corys before (Emeralds, Peppered, and Albino's) i want something different. I will talk to the fish store this weekend on what fish they'l have coming in soon. i can name the fish they have from memory. They have every species of Gourami there are except the small ones that look like female betta's. they have Rainbow fish, Green Spot puffers, Neon tetras, Every Live bearer species in existance, Rainbow shark's, Red tailed shark's, Oto's, Pleco's, Betta's (Male and Female), Paradise's, and some tetra species. i cant remeber anymore of the species but il make a list when i go this weekend to return Scooter :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
It'll need a constant source of ammonia or the bacteria will die so you'd have to move your gourami in straight away. But that would definitely lessen the cycle time A LOT. Then add the new fish one group at a time.

How about otos? Just remember they need weekly water changes and you'll need to keep a close eye on parameters, they can be very fussy.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
so my plan now is, return scooter. Come home and drain the tank. Drain tank, rinse substrate well, Re fill tank and add Correct PH and Aquasafe dechlorinator. Add in Jewel. Next day go pick up some tank mates (not the phantoms) and add them, wait a few weeks then pick up my Phantoms. I am going to play the other tankmates loose. I will make a list of all species "deemed" able to fit in and then add them on here. And you can vote off any that arent able to work. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
It's a possibility, I mean it'd fit but I worry if it'll get a bit aggressive with the gourami? I know it's one of the more peaceful cichlids but they're still a cichlid afterall.. Anyway post the list and lets have a look at all the possibilities. Someone might come along and correct me on the krib thing.

In terms of your plan, there are a few things there I'd change. What's the pH of your tap water? You might not need to put the pH stuff in. Personally I'd do it like this:

-Return Scooter.
-Drain the tank (keep some of the water in a clean bucket and keep your filter running in there to prevent the bacteria dying)
-Use a syphon on the gravel rather than rinsing it - rinsing will kill the good bacteria. Alternatively, rinse it with saved tank water. Just don't use untreated tap water.
-Put dechlorinator in the water BEFORE it goes in the tank. This stops the good bacteria from being killed by the additives in the tap water and prevents a cycle.
-Once it's running you're probably safe to add your gourami right away.
-Leave things to settle for a day or two and then add the tankmates slowly as you planned. Following that don't add any more for about a week or 2.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok il do the redo of the tank in the list order you gave me. LOL i didnt do much research on what would fit, once i seen a Krib would fit i kinda fell in LOVE lmao i have a tendancy of when i see a fish i REALLY like will fit i get very excited. The gourami i feel will only be agressive toward his own kind. He has NEVER been agressive toward the betta. so do you think i could do it?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
No not at all. A krib would not work in a 5g at all, I'd call the 10g the very lower limit of space for it. It'd terrorise your betta anyway. After you've taken out your gourami leave the betta on its own. There's no point buying fish with the possibility it'll turn nasty if you've got nowhere appropriate to put it.

I just don't see it as a good idea and wouldn't get a krib for a 10. Have you considered a bolivian ram?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
So far you have changed your mind at least four times from the plan the forum approved. (Entry #3) You stated yourself you didn't do research (#32) and I have a feeling when you do go to the LFS you will just pick what fascinates you and try to deal with it when you get home. What has happened to the plan to find a larger tank? There are new listings everyday on Craigslist. There may even be a bulletin board at your LFS.

And by the way, I live at least an hour from my LFS. You just need to put the bags with oxygen in a Styrofoam container.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
and I have a feeling when you do go to the LFS you will just pick what fascinates you and try to deal with it when you get home.
I gotta say I kinda agree here. I'm getting the feeling that you'll decide on one thing and then get to the LFS and see something that you think is cooler even if it won't work in the tank. Might be a good idea to go to your LFS and see what they actually have in before you buy something, and if you've seen something you like come back here and ask for advice and do research BEFORE you buy it.

I don't think a krib's a good idea and I think most would agree. They like to be in pairs and you simply don't have the space, your gourami would be terrorized.

As Thyra said, keep looking on craigslist. You may find someone closeby who's putting a bigger tank up for an even better deal.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok i willl, and i have to make my own money to buy a tank....i want have a job til next year. So buying a tank is almost outta the question until chrismas and then it'd be only maybe a 30 gallon. Il go to the pet store and if i see my Phantoms im definetly getting them cause i bet there cheaped at my LFS than Petsmart. Il start the cleaning process Friday, then the next week sometime il go get my first fish, Maybe saturday or sunday.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Sense obviously your faith in me as faded im gonna go when i return scooter and make a list of the fish they make, redo the tank the way you said earlier when i get back and then move Jewel over. The next day go get my fish (whichever we decide) and then wait 2-3 weeks to get my Phantoms whihc il most likey have to get from Petsmart