Red Tail Shark

Sep 10, 2004
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I have a red tail shark in a 30 gal tank. She is chasing a red glass barb very aggressively which is really stressing the barb. The red tail shark has very large log for hiding so I don't understand why she keeps chasing the barb. I read that as long as there is a place for the red tail to hide, it would leave other fish alone. Now, question (1) if I buy a bigger tank, like a 38 gal, will this alleviate the shark from chasing the barb since she has more room or (2) is it best to give her to my brother since he has a 55 gal tank and she'll be happier there? and lastly (3) will the red tail shark survive in a ten hour car ride? Thanks for anyone's help.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
That RT is getting territorial!

She needs a bigger tank....and eventually a lake.

RT's get big. Go for a rainbow shark instead. Grows to 6 or 7 inches, less attitude.

Feb 27, 2009
I have a red tail shark in a 30 gal tank. She is chasing a red glass barb very aggressively which is really stressing the barb. The red tail shark has very large log for hiding so I don't understand why she keeps chasing the barb. I read that as long as there is a place for the red tail to hide, it would leave other fish alone. Now, question (1) if I buy a bigger tank, like a 38 gal, will this alleviate the shark from chasing the barb since she has more room or (2) is it best to give her to my brother since he has a 55 gal tank and she'll be happier there? and lastly (3) will the red tail shark survive in a ten hour car ride? Thanks for anyone's help.
The Epalzeorhynchus bicolor (Red Tail Shark) is normally too aggressive for a 'community tank' set-up in my experience once they get 3 or 4" long. If the larger tank will alleviate the chasing or not is hard to tell.

Not knowing what your brother has in the 55 gallon tank, I'd not know if it would be a good match or not.

As for moving the fish for a 10 hour drive, there should be no problems with that. Make sure there is nothing in the bucket or bag that can move and bump into the fish during the journey. The larger the volume of water the better, and do not feed the 2 days before the trip (this will help reduce the waste put out by the fish during the move). If you have any floating plants (real or fake), it will help reduce stress.

I've moved fish for 3 days, keeping them in 5gallon buckets for the duration, and hooking up an airpump while we stayed at hotels. I'd do a 50% water change each night, and never lost a fish.

Feb 27, 2009
That RT is getting territorial!

She needs a bigger tank....and eventually a lake.

RT's get big. Go for a rainbow shark instead. Grows to 6 or 7 inches, less attitude.
While I agree with you on the territorial tendencies and the fish needing a bigger tank, TAL, I do not believe they grow that large. 5 or 6 inches is a good size for them. Perhaps you were thinking of the red tail catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus)?

Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks for your response OrangeCones as I read that red tail sharks do not get bigger than 5 or 6 inches. My shark is six inches. I wish I could post a pix because she is a beautiful fish. As for the drive, it would be a straight 10 hours only stopping for RR breaks and grabbing a bite to eat in the car, of course. As for the 55 gal tank, one angel fish, one bala shark, (I guess the bala shark makes it impossible for my fish to be added. I forgot about the bala shark, til now.) one pecosamus (sp?) and lots of guppies. (Don't ask about the guppies.) I think that's it, if I am not mistaken. :)


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
you are correct, my mistake. But .....that RT will be territorial.

Cool looking fish though. I like them but they aren't a stocking option for me.

Feb 27, 2009
Thanks for your response OrangeCones as I read that red tail sharks do not get bigger than 5 or 6 inches. My shark is six inches. I wish I could post a pix because she is a beautiful fish. As for the drive, it would be a straight 10 hours only stopping for RR breaks and grabbing a bite to eat in the car, of course. As for the 55 gal tank, one angel fish, one bala shark, (I guess the bala shark makes it impossible for my fish to be added. I forgot about the bala shark, til now.) one pecosamus (sp?) and lots of guppies. (Don't ask about the guppies.) I think that's it, if I am not mistaken. :)
Red tail sharks don't usually do well with other 'shark' shaped fish in their territory. The fish that it is stressing in your tank, is that fish in a group? If you up'd the school amount of that fish, it may cut the stress down on the one fish.

Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks for your response OrangeCones. In my 30 gal tank, I have one red tail shark, two red glass barbs, and three cory catfish. I did have a betta in the tank but it passed on, however, when the betta was in the tank, the barbs would stay close to the betta because they knew the shark would not touch the betta. The female betta kept that shark in its place. I guess I better get a bigger tank and another betta. I appreciate all your knowledge. :)

Feb 27, 2009
If by Red Glass Barb, it is the fish called Barbus conchonius, you may be able to keep things the way they are and up number of that fish. They do best in groups of 5+ as they are a shoaling (or schooling) fish. The larger group would mean no individual fish is going to be as stressed, and with them traveling together as a group, the shark will not be able to pick on any one much.

A larger tank is always better, in most cases.

Just my 2cents.

Sep 10, 2004
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Okay, thanks. A bigger tank it is. Now as far as red glass barbs, can I get different kinds of barbs totaling five or do they all have to be red glass barbs. In doing this, should I up the cory catfish to six as I don't want the barbs nipping at the cories. I do like green barbs and tiger barbs. Will the cories be safe with the barbs since the cories are community fish? Thanks for always answering so promptly. PS I did not find a betta fish.