A criminal is at work here...


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
So I recently re-arranged my tanks and bought some new fish, transfering some of my tetras into my 12 gallon tank with the snails and putting some platys into my big 55. I had 4 neon tetras in there that I was trying to catch to put in the 12 gal, but those buggers are fast and so I just left them for the moment.
But now I am missing two. Yesterday it was just one, I checked the filter and decorations to see if anything was amiss there, my ammonia and nitrite are at a 0, so it didn't die from that and get eaten.

So I am wondering what happened. I have two lovely angels in my tank, along with sinbad(silver dollar), my pleco and four platys. And my two-impossibletocatch-tetras.
Who is snacking?
Any ideas? All of my platys are small, around a 1/2 inch. I did have my hi-fin black skirt tetras in there for a night before I moved them, (to get the water in the other tank situitated after I cleaned it and to make sure everything over there was ok)
Was it them?

And good news! My snails bred and I now have a little passel of apple snail eggs on the side of my tank. :) Three weeks till they should hatch!


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
You think it could be them? I just looked in my tank, and my larger male angel was dead, stuck to the side of the filter. :( nothing was wrong with him, chemical levels were right, all was supposted to be okay. Do you think my other angel could have sabataged the other?
I had the same thing happen a few months agao with another angel. I thought it was my gourami so I sold them to an LFS.

I noticed that my angel wasn't eating as regularly and just kind of floating around, but I didn't think much of it.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
He was pretty good sized. Id say around three or four inches?
and yes, the tank was cycled. and the Nitrate level was at .25 I belive at the time that I started missing fish and when my angel died, but I can't quite remember. I need to test it again, so I will do that when I do my water change tomorrow to make sure.

And good news. It seems like I was only missing one neon, and I think that it was my angel that ate it and died because of it. (indegestion? choking? who knows)

But someone chewed the fins off one of my platys. I think it was a larger male that did it, they have been kind of aggressive lately when I feed them. I have been trying to keep the food seperated a little, because the one that died kinda cruised around with my silver dollar in the corner. The others leaped to the front whenever they saw someone walk by. :)
But she was missing almost all of her fins and looked pretty torn up when I pulled her out of there. so I bet it was the boy. :( But no more deaths since the angel and this one, so things are looking good. (finally) Wish me luck! Getting the hang of It!

And also thinking of upgrading to a 100 gal, (I know where I can get one for free, I just need to get the filter and lights and all that) and making my 55 a ciclid tank, but well see.

Feb 27, 2009
and the Nitrate level was at .25 I belive at the time that I started missing fish and when my angel died, but I can't quite remember. I need to test it again, so I will do that when I do my water change tomorrow to make sure.
What tesk kit do you use? I've not seen one that is that sensitive to nitrate levels. Mine starts out 0, then goes to 5.

Feb 27, 2009
Perhaps. But most go 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 (each color change doubling from the prior color). Dunno...but nitrite goes 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5...perhaps it was nitrite reading at 0.25?

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Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
Lol. Sorry, I haven't been able to get ahold of the net for a while. And I use a Kordon kit, and I just assumed it was at a 25 because of the colour. It seemed to be a bit in the middle(probably just the lighting), so I just rounded up a little.

And since you two seem to be posting so avidly on this one ;) I was going to ask another question instead of clogging up the fourms with yet another thread.

In one of my betta tanks I have noticed that there are teeny little white worms floating in the water and stuck on the glass. My betta is munching them happily and dosen't seem to mind, and I did a 25% water change to help get it out.
any ideas what it could be?
and these guys are TINY. I hardly noticed them at first glance, but they are alive. I don't think they are parasites or anything, but I can't be sure. ideas?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
Might be. It's hard not to with my boys.
Is it okay for them to be in there? or will they kill my betta?
I am still doing water changes, but any other advice for what to do to control them?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
If it's planaria than your betta's should be fine. Planaria is a very common problem because a lot of newbie and experienced owners like to overfeed. I have heard of a few fish choosing to eat these little guys but most ignore them. My Dwarf Puffer has attempted to eat them but gets really upset once he bites them but after a few minutes is back to being happy.

Feeding your fish smaller portions or making sure to clean out food they don't eat should help as well as doing really good gravel cleanings.