hey guys..i have one that I am not sure about...
I didn't post this in Disease because it doesn't seem like an illness, but then, I have no clue if it is or not...
i have a 90gal community. Quite a few swordtails (born in this very tank) some mollies, a couple cory, some danios, some small tetras, and a couple (same species) I can't at the moment recall. Today, i noticed 2 dead swordtails. A little later, another. 8 dead today.
I looked them all over. NO sign of illness whatsoever. The fins looked perfect, their eyes looked good, no discoloration or bloating. Overall, they all looked to be in perfect health.
Whatever happened, did not affect anything else in my tank. I did a 2/3 water change (yes, I know this was a but much, but out of fear of disease I wanted to remove as much water as possible). New carbon in both filters (350 Magnum and a Penguin 300).
I did get a sample of the water before I changed it:
Ammonia: 0
Chlorine: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 7.2 (My tap is high ph so I buffer to about 7 - 7.5)
So, what would suddenly affect JUST swordtails? It seems to me that the water tests came out good, so not issue there.....
I didn't post this in Disease because it doesn't seem like an illness, but then, I have no clue if it is or not...
i have a 90gal community. Quite a few swordtails (born in this very tank) some mollies, a couple cory, some danios, some small tetras, and a couple (same species) I can't at the moment recall. Today, i noticed 2 dead swordtails. A little later, another. 8 dead today.
I looked them all over. NO sign of illness whatsoever. The fins looked perfect, their eyes looked good, no discoloration or bloating. Overall, they all looked to be in perfect health.
Whatever happened, did not affect anything else in my tank. I did a 2/3 water change (yes, I know this was a but much, but out of fear of disease I wanted to remove as much water as possible). New carbon in both filters (350 Magnum and a Penguin 300).
I did get a sample of the water before I changed it:
Ammonia: 0
Chlorine: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 7.2 (My tap is high ph so I buffer to about 7 - 7.5)
So, what would suddenly affect JUST swordtails? It seems to me that the water tests came out good, so not issue there.....
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