16 Gallon Question


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
What I was wondering about is.......would be ok to add anymore fish to my tank? Possibly get a centerpiece fish since all I have is tetra's (who I love). Currently I only have 2 kuhli's but I'm planning to get more because I know they like groups of 5 or more (I will get 3 more).

According to aqadvisor my current tank status is:
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 198%.
Your aquarium stocking level is 84%.
Adding 3 more kuhli's will bump the stocking level up to 104% and the filtration capacity to 140%....which I assume isn't the best.

What are your thoughts????


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
You're not a total newb, so I think you would be safe to include one centrepiece fish - like a dwarf gourami. Just keep on top of your water changes, and test the water to make sure your nitrates aren't getting out of control without you realizing it . . . . Adding more live plants will help as well, not just for water quality.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Oh, I didn't mean that in any way insulting, achase. I just wouldn't tell someone who didn't have some experience - and common sense - to go ahead and overstock, even if I do think AqAdvisor is a bit over-cautious.
You could do a male ram too, or a swordtail, or a honey gourami . . . you've got a number of options. Even a couple of purdy male guppies . . . .


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I'm not sure I'd do a swordtail, they much prefer the company of their own kind to work as a centrepiece.

How sorta big are you thinking? I reckon a bolivian ram would be a good addition. Personally I'd stick to something around this size. I also agree that aqadvisor is a bit overly cautious so I wouldn't worry too much, you've kept a healthy aquarium for a while now so if it's slightly overstocked I'm sure it won't be a problem, particularly with your filtration capacity :)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Oh, I didn't mean that in any way insulting, achase.
Lol! I wasn't insulted in the least....I thought it was funny/cute! Did my post seem angry, maybe I should have added some icons?!? :)*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*SUPERSMIL
Written reply's can take such different beings because there is no tone/body language available to the reader. Interesting, is it not?

The size doesn't really matter to me....I just want something different than a tetra (although they are very cool) that would stand out. My tank has been pretty stable expect with a few fish who died of disease I think they came with.
I like the idea of a bolivian ram and honey gourami (would that be a dwarf?). I have never really liked guppies (for some random reason) and no worries on the swordtail because I don't really like the look of them.

Thanks for everyone's input! I think what I'm going to do first is add the 3 extra kuhli's and then wait a little then start checking out what is available to me in regards to a ram or gourami.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Lol! I wasn't insulted in the least....I thought it was funny/cute! Did my post seem angry, maybe I should have added some icons?!? :)*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*SUPERSMIL
Written reply's can take such different beings because there is no tone/body language available to the reader. Interesting, is it not?

The size doesn't really matter to me....I just want something different than a tetra (although they are very cool) that would stand out. My tank has been pretty stable expect with a few fish who died of disease I think they came with.
I like the idea of a bolivian ram and honey gourami (would that be a dwarf?). I have never really liked guppies (for some random reason) and no worries on the swordtail because I don't really like the look of them.

Thanks for everyone's input! I think what I'm going to do first is add the 3 extra kuhli's and then wait a little then start checking out what is available to me in regards to a ram or gourami.
No, you didn't sound angry - just wanted to reiterate that I meant only good things about you as a fishkeeper. If I thought you were an idiot, I would have called you a noob. That's different from newb. We've all been newbs, but some graduate. Others never do, and that's why they are permanent noobs. *BOUNCINGS

Good idea on doing the kuhlis first. Then you can shop around awhile and see if there are any gouramis that strike your fancy, or really gorgeous rams available. Where in BC are you again? They have these amazing electric blue rams (a new breed) at my lfs in downtown Vancouver . . . .


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Ahhh....I see! Going on the notion of being immature I totally thought you wrote boob for a second rather than noob....my bad!

On Vancouver Island. I know Island pets unlimited, which have locations in Richmond and Burnaby, ships fish and so that's another option if I can't find anything decent on the island but I probably will.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
They are very pretty but I"m not really into overly expensive fish right now....I'm a poor poor student! I really like the looks of the German Blue Ram, the Gold Ram and the Bolivian Ram. Although they are considerably bigger than my tetra's, correct? I don't know if I like that or not......would barbs be too aggressive for my tetras?

I hardly ever get over to the mainland but if I ever do I will send you a PM!

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
Feb 27, 2009
They are more difficult to sex compared to the 'original' color, so what may look like a male could be a female afterall. 'They' say if you buy a group of juvies, feed them well and keep their water clean, you will have good luck :)