Who was it...


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Who on here has/had a single kubotai rasbora in their tank that shoaled with the rest of their fish?

I can't for the life of me think who it is :confused: Otherwise, I'd pm them. Anyway, whoever it is, what's your experience with feeding and keeping this gorgeous fish?

Anyone else with input and experience feel free to comment! :)

I think it's me LOL. I haven't heard of anyone else having one and he does school with the other fish.

He loves schooling with the rummy nosed tetras (I have 14) and even at times with the guppies (but I only have 4 guppies in there). He has seemed like the most simple fish EVER, even in the beginning when I was screwing up the tank and I lost a school of 14 cardinals and reintroduced another school he was fine through whatever was affecting them. I don't know much about them, if they are sensitive or not, but he doesn't seem like it at all. He eats the flakes and blood worms like everyone else and has had the brine shrimp before.

Either way I'd love a whole school, I wish I didn't only have one because he iS GORGEOUS the color is amazing and he is really spunky, I like it. And my cardinals and rummies like to hide a lot in the back and he will stay out in the front, that's when he decides to hang with the guppies.

Fun fish!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Ahhhh Mercedes it's you afterall!! I fell in love with them as soon as I first saw them - out of the list of possible mini rasboras for my 9 gallon, if these are available when I get round to stocking, I'll definitely be getting them. Thanks for the info :D

Thanks for the link OC :)

It's meee :D So funny you were wondering who posted that because Laura was wondering once where a frog photo had come from and it was one of mine. I'm always throwing everyone off!

They are great fish and if I could ever find any again that'd be nice. One thing I like about Petco/Petsmart all though I don't buy from them, is they will always have the same fish where as my lfs every week changes up the fish they have. Which is nice for a variety, but argh! It's like a guessing game!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Haha, I know what you mean. I'm having soooo much trouble sourcing pygmy gouramis online, I'll be buying most of my fish online I think. I just hope that if I can't find pygmy gouramis online, I'll be able to get them in my LFS when I'm at university. Otherwise it's back to the drawing board with the old centrepiece, may have to go with a female betta with a wild (ish) line pattern on the side.. something like this to get the look I want with my centrepiece:


Still.. I want pygmy gouramis :( look how cute they are!


Then again.. I'm getting stressed looking for available fish, when I won't even be stocking my tank for another couple of months :p something tells me I need to calm down a bit haha. I'm just so excited about getting back into fish!

I don't think I've seen those at my LFS, definitely have seen some strange fish but no pygmies, those are really pretty ones though. I'd love to have some in my tank, but they wouldn't work out so well haha. I don't really have a centerpiece fish in my tank, everything is just...in there lol.

I understand the excitement! That's good though, it shows you are passionate and are going to make the right choices since you've gone through quite a few stocking plans!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Do ittttt! :D You said it yourself, it's a necessity :p

This is the first real stocking plan I've actually done in about 15 years of fishkeeping. Before it's been more a case of buying what would suit and what was available at the time. Now and then there have been the "essentials", like discus, angels and pristella tetras, all of which I have an undying love for, but then I've "filled in the gaps" with more or less fish that suited my mood at the particular time I was in my lfs haha. Maybe that's why I'm having so much trouble, I'm more an impulse buyer :p


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Funny you mention the pygmy gouramis, I had never seen one before until I was in Pets Unlimited the other daying buying a CO2 system. They are very neat little fish, good luck finding them!