Laura, I can't remember if the tank is 16 or 18 inches deep. I realize the angel would eventually outgrow the tank, however, the LFS I deal with normally is really great about trades/buying/giving store credit, so I've no concern about bringing the angel in when it outgrows my tank. I'm not even sure if that's the direction I want to go with this tank however. I'm doing a SA biotope (of sorts) in my 16 gal with rams and cardinals, so as much as I love rams, I don't want two tanks worth!
If I went with gouramis I would definitley go with pearls, I have no real interest in blues or golds for this tank. I was thinking a pair of pearls, with a shoal of glass catfish and then pretty much fill in the blank for the rest of the tank, however the catfish are over 20 bucks each (!!) at PU, and the LFS that I normally go to doesn't usually carry them. So more than 20 dollars a piece, for a shoal of 5-6 fish.. I'm just not going to shell out that kind of money at this point.
I'm thinking apistos, maybe cockatoos, would be a good option like someone suggested. I know I've seen these guys before at my LFS and really enjoyed them, anyone have experience with how aggressive they get when breeding? I know these guys form harems, so I'm thinking a male plus 2 or 3 females? How aggressive do they get around breeding time? I like keyholes but I want something with a bit more colour, plus the apistos really appreciate a heavily planted tank, so they seem like they would be a good fit. Any suggestions for schooling fish to go with them? I'm thinking maybe some panda cories for the bottom, but as for mid-top level fish, I'm not sure. I'm wondering what kind of tetras (or other type of schooling fish?) would really pop in a planted tank. Neons/cardinals are out since I'm using them in the 16 gal.