Out of curiosity, OC, how many gallons should one of these fish be kept in? I have read that one needs about 200L which I believe is roughly 51 gallons. They are quite strange looking, eh?
Howdy achase!
I had just the group of 6 originally, one died about 2 days after I got them, and had the 5 initially alone in the 280. As they aged, I added the pleco and oscars (all trade-ins at the LFS, 'free' fish that others had tossed out). I had them for maybe 8-9 years, sold the tank as-is set up when I moved across country.
I'm not sure how'd they do as a single. I'd been told by experienced fishkeepers (like those here) to keep them in a shoal, so its what I did.
They are very shy fish if you have normal aquarium lights. I had several 15 watt lights over the 280 GALLON tank, just so I could sorta see them in the shadows lurking around. When the light came on in the living room, they'd dart around like maniacs trying to hide the quickest. They were always together, like one giant fish. On more than one occasion, several jumped out of the tank while doing maintanence. That's when I started putting egg crates over the tank except where I was working on it.
Even tho it is slight, they are an electric fish, so care must be taken when maintaining the tank. They loved to hunt earthworms and blackworms I'd hide in the tank (blackworms are aquatic, but earthworms are not, so careful leaving earthworms in a tank uneaten, they just drown). I'd use an eggcrate section to divide the tank in about half, and hide the worms in the sand in front of a chunk of driftwood. They went CRAZY going hunting worms.