Cherry Barb issue

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Sorry, I've never bought fish I didn't have the proper home for already set up, cycled, and ready for them. I think you will find that is the 'standard' not something unusual.
I concur, except for the first time I bought fish. My tank was not over stocked, but it would have become overstocked had I not gotten a bigger tank as the fish grew.

As for the left/right side thing...I am thinking there was some sort of sarcasm as a 5 gallon tank is so small, I actually did LOL! *SUPERSMIL

Not sure what you want from this forum if you ask advice, then don't follow it? :confused:

I wish you and especially your fish good luck and hope you research your next fish purchase and do the right thing for the FISH next time.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
You need to do your research before you buy any fish. I don't walk to the store wanting a puppy and come home with a pet chinchilla. If they didn't have ADFs or shrimp, you should be patient and wait for them to come into the store so that you are not rehoming and returning incompatible fish to the store every week. It's also important to take adult size of fish into consideration. Fish won't stay small forever, unless you cram them inhumanely into a tiny tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I'm not trying to be mean, but what I don't get is why you thought that more fish in your 5.5gal would be okay after everyone on here has told you that it wouldn't be okay. I agree with Dylandrewsdad...why do you ask for advice and then seemingly completely ignore us? It's very frustrating for us and makes us really not want to help you anymore.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Fine, i can see you dont want to help me anymore. I have my reason and to be polite i want state them, but this is the last post of Fishman1995. Goodbye to all and thanx to those who havent constantly hounded me about everything im doing wrong :)

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
LOL....easy big fella! I, have tried to help you as most people here have. You, have chosen not to take mine or anyone else’s advice. As for Laura, I bet she took advice that was given to her. Now if you want to help your fish, we are here to help. If you want to waste everyone's time and post questions, then don't listen to our answers, then have a nice life! And again I say....poor fish.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Fine, i can see you dont want to help me anymore. I have my reason and to be polite i want state them, but this is the last post of Fishman1995. Goodbye to all and thanx to those who havent constantly hounded me about everything im doing wrong :)
You are acting very childish. You obviously want attention or else you wouldn't be storming off. Mature people work out their differences and talk about what went wrong. Mature people do not pound their fists on the floor and throw a tantrum. We took valuable time out of OUR schedules to help you and you repay us by not listening. You say you listened to us by taking back the fish, but where in the world were you when we told you not to get the fish? You say that no one on this forum cares if you have a problem and that we ignore you. This is completely untrue. Who told you how to set up a fish tank after your overstocked yours? Who helped you to stabilize your betta tanks? Who gave you information about every imaginary tank that you ever wanted to stock?

Also, Lauraf does not massively overstock her tanks. They might be overstocked by about 15% according to aqadvisor, but as we said before, aqadvisor is just a tool and does not replace years of experience.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Hahaha wowwww I have missed a lot in the last few days! No internet in the new house for a couple of weeks so I'm in the library stealing bandwidth.. woop!

And in regards to this thread, I'm personally glad to see the back of you fishman. Lots and lots of what you've posted in your short time on the forum hasn't made sense and therefore I have good reason to doubt much of what you've posted, and OC makes an excellent point regarding the apparently disappearence of your dwarf gourami. I just can't believe I spent so long trying to convert you to responsible fishkeeping with apparently no success. Meh! Back to advising people who actually want/listen to it..

I just wonder how long it'll take the guys at fishlore to get bored of your attitude.

Feb 27, 2009
and OC makes an excellent point regarding the apparently disappearence of your dwarf gourami.
Firsthand experience mixing anabantoids

Guess the gourami/betta didn't get many offered advice that said they shouldn't be kept together?

I still wonder what happened to his 55 gallon tank. He had Jack Dempsey named Jack, a green terror named Texas and an arowana in there at various times.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I'm just on fishlore now and I've been looking at a few of his posts.. in one he claims to have kept his 5g "more overstocked [than with the cherrys, platies, betta] for 3 years with no issues".

I think we can safely say we know different, eh?

Meh, let's leave it to the guys at fishlore. However I bet this isn't actually the last we've heard of him.

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Agreed^^ I am sure he will be back, and if he reads this, Fishman1995 the idea of this site is to help people, no one here was taking personal hits on you when giving you advice, they were simply trying to help you make good decisions when it comes to keeping happy healthy fish, your inability to heed the warnings given you irritaes members here, and rightly so, advice was given not to overstock and you would do it anyway then take the fish back after a slew of comments telling you to do so? Well that is not really following advice in the first place is it? Not to mention lestening would have made the hassle of taking fish back nonexistent, and the fish would be less stressed too! Good luck with your fish keeping endevours and I hope you can come to realize that fishkeeping is no game.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Yes, I am curious about the 55g and Jack and Texas also. I did PM him and ask and also told him I had gone back and read most of his 500 posts and I pointed out many of the conflicts with the info he posted. I had read his new posts on FL and wondered where the 75g came from - actually that and the fact he stated he had no issues with losing fish is what got me started. My concern was partly Fishman, it seems apparent to me that he has a multitude of problems other than fish. I was hoping I could help him with reality, while the rest of you, who know more about fish, helped him with the stocking.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Guys, I'm going to say it again, but I would be willing to bet this kid is a troll. I mean, look at all the inconsistancies (often within the same thread) and the whole "I'm going somewhere that'll tell me what I want to hear" attitude. I'm calling troll and washing my hands of Fishman1995.