Looking for a bit of advice

Jan 19, 2010
Hi, i am a longtime reader of this site, and now a first time poster. I have a slightly overstocked 20 gallon tank in which have 1 bolivan ram, 5 cherry barbs, and 4 cories. The tank has been up and running for about a year, i am really good with checking the chemistry and doing water changes. I also have a 5 gallon "hospital" tank, which contains 1 mickey mouse platy. This tank i brought out of retirement when i noticed the platy showing signs of ick. This happened seemingly because of stress when i purchased the 5 cherry barbs to liven up my tank. Luckily the platy is now recovered and looks content for the most part in his small tank.

So here is my dilemma, do i attempt to re-home the platy in his former tank and reunite him with his old tankmates, or should i let him live peacefully all by his lonesome self. I am afraid that the tank is now just too crowded for him and he will be stressed if i move him back. I am also concerned about losing a hospital tank and having a lonely fish in a little 5 gallon tank. Any suggestions, as to what to do? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Dec 14, 2009
First of welcome, The platy should be fine in the 5g if its healthy and eating correctly. Still use this tank as a hospital tank though if a fish from the 20g falls sick then simply place the platy in the 20. Or you could just put the platy in there now just be sure there are plenty of hiding places (plants ornaments etc.) the 20g isnt really overstocked i think maybe your just right. Just keep on top with the water changes and keep the water parameters correct. Goodluck.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I don't think you're 20gal is overstocked at all with what you described. I have a 20gal long tank that currently has one German blue ram, ten black neons, a panda cory and a clown pleco, and I'll be adding another ram and three more cories. All this will only stock my tank 85% or so. With a Bolivian ram, 5 cherry barbs and 4 cories in there, you're actually fairly understocked. So, to answer your question, your platy should be fine in the 20gal...in fact, you probably have enough room to get him/her a couple of platies friends so s/he feels more secure. :)


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
welcome, welcome!!

Your tank isn't overstocked, try using aqadvisor.com. If you're using the inch-per-gallon rule, that's an old thing that isn't reliable.
I'd say go ahead and add the platy back, although a five-gallon is fine, you have plenty of room to bring him back in and probably add another one or two. Just be sure to sex it beforehand, so you can make sure you get either 1-2 of the same sex or make it a ratio of 1:2 males to females if you don't mind alotta babies. Sexing them is very easy, just check the anal fin. Males have a pointy-long one and the female's are fan-shaped. Females are also fat and usually have a gravid spot.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Hello and welcome, Nothing to do with being overstocked since your not but I would keep the platy in the hospital tank, and add one or 2 more and heres why. If you need a hospital tank in a hurry you can move the platies out of it into the 20G, with no fish in your hospital tank it will not remain cycled and when you need it it wont be ready. I dont feel a 5G would be overstaocked with a couple more platies as long as your diligent on water changes and keeping an eye on your water parameters.

Jan 19, 2010
Thanks for the advice everyone, and thanks for the warm welcome. So I put the platy back into the bigger tank, looks like hes doing ok. As for the hospital tank, can i just add some food to it every once in a while to keep it cycled or is that not enough?

The long story is my tank was overstocked, before i returned a Siamese Algae Eater because it basically harassed another platy and a guppy to death. I guess now its not overstocked anymore, which is good. Maybe i will get 1 more male platy to keep him company.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Just a thought, but if you add a couple more platys to the 5 and one of them is male wouldn't that automatically turn the tank into a breeder invalidating the ability to use it as a hospital? Unless you plan on using the platy fry as a form of mine canary* for disease?

*Canaries were used in mines to tell if there were toxic fumes in the tunnel. The canaries would die before the humans were affected.


I like the additional filter idea for the 20 gal.

Feb 27, 2009
Just move the filter from the 5 to the 20, if you ever need a QT tank, fill it with clean dechlorinated water add the filter and POOF! Instant cycle.....I have done it many, many times.
I used to do this, and normally works well. The only problem is that it COULD spread a disease to the hospital tank if the main tank is infected with something.