Wierd readings


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
So a couple weeks ago a friend of mine bought a used tank complete with fish, I explained the cycle process and since he did replace the gravel and the tank was broke down for a couple days we figured it may have to cycle again plus we dont know the condition of the cycle from the previous owner. Well he got 2 african cichlids with the tank, not sure of the species, the tank has been set up since labor day. I was over his house tonight and his ammonia readings were well above 8ppm, no nitrites and some nitrates. I figured he had screwed up the test some how since the fish are still alive but nope he did it right, I watched. With all the preaching we as a group do about water parameters how the heck are these 2 fish still alive, with 8ppm of ammonia, now our tap water in the areas we live average 1 to 2ppm of ammonia straight out of the tap. He used ammolock right after he set it up and I know ammolock will screw up the readings but thats been 3 weeks ago, could the ammolock still be throwing off his readings? He said the Nitrites were around .25 and the nitrates were around 10 and he is very meticulous so I know he tested them right. Any ideas. He hasnt done a water change in 2 days and the reading hasnt changed even with a water change.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
kits brand new he bought it on my recommendation... API master kit.. on that same note my master kit is over 2 years old and still works well even though I seldom have to test my tanks anymore.

He did recieve an seperate API ammonia liquid test kit with the tank and it read the same.


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
He could have it all converted into ammonium, which comes up on the tests as regular ammonia. Thankfully the tank can still cycle with that. But, if he doesn't dose the tank with enough ammo-neutralizer one day... then it'll hurt.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Right but still the amount is outrageous even with 2 small african cichlids and only 1 to 2 ppm out of the tap that doesnt explain a 7 ppm increase in 2 days in a 29G tank, i could see a slight elevation but afetr seeing it the test kits max's at 8ppm and his test was darker than that so it is probably higher. He is using Prime by the way but I have never witnessed prime having any effect on ammonia readings.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I had called API about the expiration date of their chemicals. The lot # on the bottle is the way to tell. The last two numbers are the year and I believe the two number before that are the month. I was concerned some one down the line would ask me that about my kit because I never got any ammonia or nitrite readings, but after 3 months I had 10ppm of nitrates. I also know it works because I had a betta in a bowl that I changed the water on weekly and so just for the heck of it, I tested his water. That was a shock! It was 4ppm. He had been living that way for almost 2 years and appeared very happy. He is now in a 2.5g tank. Don't know that he is any happier, but I am.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Right but still the amount is outrageous even with 2 small african cichlids and only 1 to 2 ppm out of the tap that doesnt explain a 7 ppm increase in 2 days in a 29G tank, i could see a slight elevation but afetr seeing it the test kits max's at 8ppm and his test was darker than that so it is probably higher. He is using Prime by the way but I have never witnessed prime having any effect on ammonia readings.
I believe OC once pointed out that Prime messes with your ammonia readings for the first 48 hours after using it. There may not be that much ammonia in your tank, but for some reason the Prime makes it look like there is. So, I would tell your friend to let the tank sit for a couple of days and THEN check the water again to see if the ammonia level has gone down.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I know ammolock and amquel will effect readings, I have never experienced any abnormal reading with Prime and I have been using it myself for a couple years now but without an explanation it may be possible. I dont know I am at a loss on this one, but the fish havent died and are acting normal so I guess we will see how it goes.