Ghost Shrimp Trying To Climb To Top Of Tank


New Fish
Sep 21, 2010
Sometimes my ghost shrimp look like they are trying to climb to the top of the tank. I've never seen any of them make it that high. Anyone know why they might do this?


New Fish
Sep 21, 2010
Temp: 76 degrees
Test Strip (so probably not completely accurate): Nitrate 40, Nitrite 0, Chlorine 0

I've had the Ghost Shrimp for five or six months.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Mine do that all the time. I have them in my now-empty-of-other-fish 5gal bowfront (Edward, the blue marble HM betta, I had in there, died) with a lot of plants that go all the way to the top water level of the tank. They either swim up to the top of the plants and perch there, or climb the plants and chill up there. My parameters are perfect (0, 0, 10) and the temp is about 78F. How many do you have and in what size tank? Is it live-planted?

As a side note, 40ppm of nitrates is bordering on harmful. I would do a couple of water changes to get that down. Ideally it should be around 20ppm.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Do small water changes until your nitrate is 20 ppm or lower. How often do you change the water? What other fish are in the tank? What size tank is it?
What is the reading for ammonia? You should definitely consider investing in liquid test kits as the test strips are highly unreliable and inaccurate.


New Fish
Sep 21, 2010
I have a 20 gallon tank with live plants. There are 4 Ghost Shrimp. The other inhabitants are 9 Glo-Light Tetras, 2 Glass Catfish, 2 Cory Cats, and 2 Mystery Snails.

Yes, I do know that I need to get liquid test strips, I just haven't been able to afford them yet. I may have to put them on my Christmas list...LOL

As far as water changes: I up-sized from a 10 gallon to a 20 gallon tank about three weeks ago, so every few days I have been adding water. Yesterday was the first day that the tank was actually full. With my 10 gallon tank, I did 20% water changes once a week. With this tank, I am thinking I may have to do 10% water changes weekly.

My Ghost Shrimp do like to sit on the tops of plants and the caves.

I think I've answered everyone's questions except the question about the ammonia level. I don't know the answer.


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
Ghost shrimp can climb up the sides of your tank with just the slightest big of algal growth (less growth than you can see). I've had ghost shrimp in my tank for a year and yesteterday I had the first one get out. I found it on the floor still soft, but starting to dry out. Must have just missed him by an hour.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yes, I do know that I need to get liquid test strips, I just haven't been able to afford them yet. I may have to put them on my Christmas list...LOL
Look at the generic API Freshwater Master Test Kits they have on They're about $24 shipped. It is actually just the API Master Test kit with a different label on it. I know people on other sites who have ordered them and been extremely happy. I was lucky that my LFS got a smokin' deal on their freshwater test kits, so I got mine for about $22.


New Fish
Sep 21, 2010
Look at the generic API Freshwater Master Test Kits they have on They're about $24 shipped. It is actually just the API Master Test kit with a different label on it. I know people on other sites who have ordered them and been extremely happy. I was lucky that my LFS got a smokin' deal on their freshwater test kits, so I got mine for about $22.
Thanks *thumbsups I just looked it up. Walmart has them for $17.64 and free shipping to your local store: Freshwater Master Test Kit

My red cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, crystal shrimp and ghost shrimp love going to the top. The amanos love walking upside down right at the fill line of the tank, collecting any food leftovers.

However, at times it can be due to your water parameters being negative if they are going to the top and staying up there. If they just swim around and come back down I wouldn't worry. And like it was said, 40ppm is on the verge of harmful, my tank runs between 5-10ppm (and I'm a huge shrimp girl) and the shrimps do excellent at this level for me.