My custom 30 gallon tank Pics


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
These are some pictures of my 30 gallon tank my uncle built me, thought you'd like to see it. It was dark when i took them so if you want better ones i can take some more this evening upon request ^^

Incase your wondering that white stuff on the sides from the side shot is the aqauarium sealent and yes it doesnt have a cover yet aside from a piece of glass cut for the top, il be gettting a Hood and light system. And it does have bout maybe 3-4 inchs of water in the bottom, we were testing it to see if it held water.



Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Is it glass or acrylic? I was having some issues making a glass hood for my tank, so I was just wondering if you had any advice. What do you mean by gap for the filter?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Is it glass or acrylic? I was having some issues making a glass hood for my tank, so I was just wondering if you had any advice. What do you mean by gap for the filter?
When you buy a premade glass canopy for a tank, the glass does not actually fit the entire depth of the tank, but rather has a gap at the back (usually about 2-2.5") for the filter and cords to enter the tank. The canopy will also come with a plastic strip that can be cut to fit on either side of the filter and prevent fish escapes through the hole the back.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
For lighting I went to wal-mart and picked up a 23" under-cabinet light for 10 bucks. (for my project 29 gal) I'll probably upgrade to a more powerful light eventually, but it's doing a good job for now. If you can drop the 30 bucks for the light right now then do it.

Is that wood going to stay on the tank, or is it just there to keep the glass in place while the gel cures?


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Yeah, my storebought hood for my 10 gallon has that, but I had to make a hood for my 40 gallon. I have a piece of glass that goes from the front to about 3 inches from the back, then there's a hinge in the front so I can feed them and stuff. I've been looking into ways to cover up that 3 inch gap in the back where the filter isn't so I could maybe get one of two ADFs, so I was just wondering what your solution was.