partial water changes


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
There is no such thing as too many water changes. Well, ok, once every 10 minutes is too much, but I'm anal, and change out 15-20 percent of my water every other day.

There is no such thing as too many water changes. Well, ok, once every 10 minutes is too much, but I'm anal, and change out 15-20 percent of my water every other day.
That's awesome that you're able to do it EVERY other day, dang. Haha. I change my water every week (25-35%) unless things go haywire and I'm left having to skip a weekend. I know, shame on me.

But way to go with the every other day. I also use RO water so the $6 bucks a week is perfect. Or else I'd be in debt...

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
It really depends. You should use a liquid test kit to test for nitrates every week. If nitrates are higher than 20, you need to complete a water change. If not, you might be able to skip a week, although it's much better to change the water every week so that nitrates never peak to 40 ppm.