We're cycled!


Medium Fish
Sep 6, 2010

I realized this morning I'd misread the nitrate directions - I'd been shaking the test tube for 30 sec. between adding solutions, not shaking the solution #2 bottle!

pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.0

Ok some questions (excuse my excitement. i feel like using a lot of exclamation points, but I'll refrain. Well, maybe just one)!

Refresh me, barring a bump in ammonia or nitrites, what nitrate reading prompts a water change? And does it matter whether I change it before adding more fish or wait a few days after adding?

Current set up:
26g bowfront
Aqueon QuietFlow 30
78 degrees
1x Male betta splendens
2x Black Phantom tetra
2x X-Ray Pristella tetra

Everybody's come through cycling ok. I will say though that right away upon purchase it was evident that the lesser-colored black phantom is the low man on the totem. He's gotten nipped, and I'm fairly sure it was by the other tetra. The betta has kept to himself, but the other tetras have done quite a bit of chasing.

These are fish we're interested in. When I plug them into AqAdvisor it keeps telling me the betta is a problem, which makes me wish we wouldn't have gotten it frankly. (Although my 18 month old adores the betta. She runs to the tank every morning yelling, "Betta! Betta! Hi feeesh!" So I guess I don't totally regret it.)

Thoughts? I really would like to get some more fish today! It's been a long 26 days! I was thinking about adding the cory cats today.

4 x Peppered Cory (Corydoras paleatus)
1 x Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia)
1 x Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)
1 x German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)

I like the look of American flagfish but I think the tank is too warm for them, right?

I wish we could exchange the 2 types of tetras for 5 cardinal tetras. But I don't think my 5 year old would take kindly to returning fish. Am I really going to have to get 5 phantoms and 5 x-rays to keep them happy?

Well, anyway. Yay! I'm super excited! My son slept over at my mom's last night and I can't wait to tell him we're cycled!

Sep 16, 2010
I would incrase the amount of Tetra's and im not 100% sure on this but i dont think those to ram species will work with the betta and i know for sure the Gourami wont as ive had my own "experince" with that. Everything may be fine for awhile but eventually the cichlids ajnd gourami will get fed up with the betta's bullying and then well you'l wake up to either a severly dammaged or dead betta :/


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Some may disagree with me but personally I wouldn't change the water just yet, I would watch it over the next couple days to ensure your readings are correct and stable, your nitrates (5ppm correct) are not at a level that will endanger your fish. Your not the first on here that has done the nitrates wrong, just good you figured it out sooner than later :)

I would agree not to add the cichlids or gourami with the betta, rams are generally peaceful but not sure how the betta or rams would interact with each other, the gourami is probably not a good idea with the betta since they are closely related and have similar body shapes. I am not an expert on either though so wait for more opinions.

I do agree to increase the numbers of tetras so you have proper numbers for them to school, or take those back and get cardinals, only you know how your 5yr old will react but after seeing a proper school of tetras interact, especially colorful cardinals he/she may quickly recover. Either way good luck with whatever you decide.

Edit. with your current stocking and weekly water changes your nitrates should never get into an unsafe zone but the absolute max you ever want to see is 40ppm.

Last edited:


Medium Fish
Sep 6, 2010
Cool guys. Thanks for your thoughts. :)

I found the spotted cory cats locally, so I think we're off to pick those up today.

I'm sort of ducking my head asking this: Would it be terrible to put the betta in an old school fish bowl?

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ

Congrats on the cylce. I concur with Brian, no need to change the water yet. I would wait a few days before adding anymore fish (you waited 26, what's 3 more?) Then add fish in small quantities. I think the Cory's would be fine to add first!

Have fun and good luck!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I agree with what everyone has said above but I would like to add one small suggestion that you move your Betta into it's own tank (3 - 5 gals min) or take it back. In general betta's don't do well in community tanks because all the fast moving fish stress them out as well as fin nipping which tetras like to do.

With your betta gone you would be able to add a ram or gourami as your centerpiece fish. When adding new fish it's key to add them slowly to the tank. A few fish each week until you are done that way you won't shock your tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Bettas require heated, filtered tanks, just like any other fish. The minimum tank size for a betta is about 3 gallons, but 5 gallons or larger is actually better because they are VERY active fish when they're happy and healthy. The absolute best tank for a male betta that I have come across is the 6.6gal bookshelf kit that they sell at Petco. It has a lot of horizontal swimming space and isn't overly deep. Here's a pic of the tank: http://s7d5.scene7.com/is/image/PetsUnited/T701003_49298