29 Gallon Stocking Assistance

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Aqadvisor tells me I've stocked a 29 gallon tank 35% with only 3 peppered cories. Is this a mistake? That seems awfully high to me. Aqadvisor isn't perfect, but I like to play around with stocking on the site.

I'm going to ask your opinion.

I have the fish in my signature currently in the tank.

Ideally, I would like to add 2-3 more peppered cories and 1-2 more upside-down catfish. Do you think this could work space-wise? I'm planning on upgrading my crappy Aqua-tech 20-40.

Right now with the three cories and the fish I have now, I'm at 105%, according to aqadvisor.

What do you guys think?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
35%? Really? That can't be right..

Mollies get to about 3 inches so they'll add a fair bit of stocking onto there. But the cory thing is just a bit ridiculous. Especially considering it tells me that with pygmy cories in a 10 gallon I'd barely be stocked, they're not THAT much different.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'm guilty of overstocking, so am biased, but if you have the right mix of fish, the right filtration, and are dilligent with water changes, it can work. I think you'd be okay to add the fish you mention. But yeah, mollies can get huge . . . .

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Aqadvisor seems to be pretty conservative, I have my tank overstocked a bit and I am diligent on water changes (3 times a week) and have never had an issue, just watch your water. Condition and you will be fine, also cories I have heard have a teent bioload because they rummage around the bottom for scraps, offsetting their load


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
AqAdvisor has never been accurate with the bottom feeders like cories and otos. That being said, you'd be okay adding a few more cories, but I wouldn't add any more USD cats. They get pretty big for a 29gal. They reach 4", so with three of them in there, you'd have 12" of fish. A 29gal has a footprint of 30" by 12". Not nearly enough space for those active fish, if you want my honest opinion. Alistair (who was actually a featherfin cat, but they have similar activity levels) used my whole 55gal as his playground and he was only about 4.5-5" when he died (featherfins get much bigger than USD cats at 8").

Honestly, I'd up your cory school to 4 and leave it at that.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Thank you very much.
I was shocked at the 35%. Regardless, three mollies were only about 22%. The dalmatian mollies have a larger bioload than regular mollies, for some reason. I have two girls at 1.5 inches and a boy with a bent spine (born that way) who likely won't get much bigger than an inch.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
The dalmatian mollies have a larger bioload than regular mollies, for some reason.
Probably because they're different species - dalmatian mollies fall under Poecilia latipinna with sailfin mollies, where as most "regular" mollies fall under Poecilia sphenops. To what extend this is actually true with all the cross-breeding that occurs between them in the modern hobby is debatable but typically sailfins and dalmatian mollies get bigger than regular mollies.

Have you noticed any cross-breeding between you dalmatians and regulars? Might explain the bent spines in the two fry.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
*unearthing an older thread*

I have 4 serpaes and while I didn't have trouble with my last trio of serpaes, they are nipping each other like crazy. (They don't bother the other tank mates.) I'd like to add 2 more serpaes, for a total of 6, along with 3-4 cories. I think this sounds okay, but what do you guys and gals think?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have a male Dalmation sailfin and I can't have another male mollie in the tank. I had two black mollies that were sold to me as females (I wasn't up on sexing yet) and he killed both of them. He hounded a platinum female who was about to give birth and she died right afterwards. He doesn't bother the platies at all. I have one platinum fry which I think by some of his actions may be a male and so I am going to have to watch that carefully.