Reading liquid test values


Medium Fish
Sep 6, 2010
Hi, can you tell me specifics of how you read your kits? Do you hold the tube flush against the comparison chart, or in front of it? What light do you prefer I'm struggling with it a bit, particularly telling the difference between 10 and 20 ppm for nitrates. They really look similar on the API kit.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
It is actually very difficult and I think I will write or call API I think you need to be in a good light situation - natural light is best if it is anything like the old blood sugar and urine tests were. I did write to them once and they said to hold it "directly against the white back ground and to not look down through the tube from the top. The problem is the word "against" - if you hold it firmly against the white card, you get a different reading then if you hold it 1/8 to 1/4 inch in front of it so there is light going through it. I will try to call them tomorrow.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
After four months I still don't get any color but bright gold for Nitrates. I'm beginning to think my bottle's broken.
are you following the directions to the letter, shaking the bottles and tube exactly as the instructions state? You would be surprised how many people do the nitrate incorrectly.

fisherjean.. sorry a bit far to send her but she would welcome a vacation from me and the kids so you buy the ticket and we can work it


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Oww, arms...tired...

Okay, so..yeah. Looks like 40ppm in the 10 gal. (Red Cool-aid color) There's really no difference between 40 and 80 on the chart.
...and for the 29 gal....can't hold arms.... 10-20ppm (Tang colored) I can't tell the difference between 10 and 20.

So I was only using the first bottle....okay, I'm speshul. lemme check my ammonia levels now...... >.<

Edit: Okay, those are gold instead of clear now. big fat zero on ammonia.

There really needs to be instructions on those things! *thumbsups

Hi! I'm stupid! Nice to meet you!

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Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I usually hold it vertically against the card so that it compares to all the colors at once, then see which one is closest. Depending on which tank I'm testing, I use either the light fixture on the tank (on my T5-lit tanks) or I'll go outside and use sunlight (if I'm not testing at night).


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
They should develop a cheap digital version for testing all the neccessaties.

Exactly like the 1 used by diabetics testing blood sugar levels. Drop of liquid on a strip and into a reader. Instant accurate results. Its the way forward.

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Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
I too use the superior aesthetic judgment of my female half and ask her to determine the color. If she isn't home, I hold it up so a white wall is behind it. Direct light washes it out, and shadows cover it up. So I use a white wall and oblique light. Then I start "naming" the color "more green" or "more yellow". You see, us males have a terrible time with color. The nitrite one is easier, since if you see yellow, then you're good. It's just differentiating between grades of orange that's a pain. Especially if your eyes trick you into seeing red at the barest hint of color.

I'm going to make a test-kit that has "white" "off-white" "vanilla" "eggshell" and "white silk" and laugh as I watch my customers struggle.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
API called back and the word is you are to hold the test tube TIGHT against the white and keep it out of the shadows. He didn't offer any other advice, but I will add that my experience as a nurse with urine tests was to either take it outside in daylight or at least get by a window. With the nitrate test it is so difficult between 40 & 80ppm but it does help to go outside with it - the natural light is better and there are less shadows.