Using peat moss to lower the ph

Oct 3, 2010
I have a 55 gallon tank with the ph at about 7.8. I'm looking to do some breeding so I want to try to lower this. I've heard peat moss works but I've never tried it. Can someone tell me how much I would need to put in, and if peat moss works?

Feb 27, 2009
What is the GH and KH also? You can't change the pH without changes to the others.

What pH are you looking to achieve? Driftwood does lower pH. Peat moss can lower it much more.

Oct 3, 2010
I'm looking to get it down to around 7.0 if not lower. I'm not sure what my GH and KH are. I know I have hard water, and the buffers in my water make it very hard to lower the ph. If you could suggest what I should buy to test the GH and KH that would help. Thanks


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2010
i use peat moss in my tank and my ph is nice and low. theres drift wood in the tank too. But im pretty sure the peat is what does the trick. I refill the bag in my filter about once a month. ya just have to make sure theres no additives in it ( like phosphates ) I get it from home depot.

Feb 27, 2009
Tap water, aged 48 hours:

pH 9.3
GH 14
KH 10

Tap water, aged 48 hours, filtered by peat moss 48 hours:
pH 5.2
GH 3
KH 1

I mixed the two to get the pH I wanted (5.2 would crash your biofilter).

I keep one of my tanks with a pH of 6.2-6.3. Works well.

Make sure you make any changes slowly to your tank though. A sudden change up or down is very harmful and can be deadly to some fish. I changed from 9.3 to 6.3 over 4 weeks time.