Want kuhli loaches...but which tank?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Alrighty...so I've been thinking about it and I want kuhlis again. I love the little buggers! :cool: So, I'm trying to decide which tank to put them in. Two tanks are completely ruled out. The 20gL (as soon as I get the three panda cories, hopefully today, and the female GBR, that tank is completely and perfectly stocked) and the 46gal (yeah, coldwater + kuhlis= no bueno!*thumbsdow ).

So, that leaves the 29gal and the 55gal.

I am moving my SA bumblebee catfish from the 29gal into either the 10gal or 9gal (depending on if I get the 9gal tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed that I do!) with Amun, my HM male betta, so I'll have room in the 29gal for about 4-5 kuhlis (Grover, the SA bumblebee cat, is very thick-bodied and takes up more space in my bio-load than you'd think, even though he's about 3"). It'd be awesome if I could find the striped kuhlis, but the only place I know that has them is Petsmart and they're the black kuhlis. To remind, my 29gal has black sand and skull decorations, is live planted and has a big piece of DW.

In the 55gal, I have all the fish listed in my signature, but I'm thinking of getting rid of the glowlights and getting more harlequin rasbora (upping my school of 5 to 10). Could I put maybe 5-6 kuhlis in the 55gal? The 55gal has white PFS, driftwood and live plants (swords, anubias and java fern).

So, which tank do you think should get the kuhlis?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I saw some striped kuhli loaches on aquabid.com yesterday....okay, found it.
AquaBid.com - Your Aquatic Auction Website
$18 for 6, plus S&H. You'd have to get something else from the seller because he only ships for $24 or more.

You could also ask your LFS if they could get some for you.

I'd probably put it in the 29 gal just because they're smaller fish. I think they'd get drown out (not litterally, they're fish!) in the 55 gal.

I'm also thinking about them myself. Cute little worms.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
One of my LFSs had them for a little while and I SO wanted to get them, but they wanted like $6 EACH!

I don't have a checking account and don't like asking my friends if I can use theirs, so I don't order fish online. I like the black kuhlis though, so it's all good. Oh, and the last time I asked my LFS to see if they could order something for me, it was almost SEVEN MONTHS before they got them in and even then it was a total fluke!

I thought they'd look cool in the 29gal because they could slither around the skulls and look like snakes...but with the black sand, IDK how well they'd show up (my peppered cories all but disappear unless they move). In the 55gal, they'd show up really well against the PFS and they'd love playing in the current from the spray bar.

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Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Then I would probably put them in the 55gal. Since kuhli's enjoy playing in currents and they are so cute when they do! Plus you want to be able to see them it's hard enough to see them as is because they hide/live under stuff.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Haha! Yeah, my LFS said "We'll check the next time we order"...it was seriously almost seven months later before they got any in and when I went in and was like "Wow, you finally got rams in!" they were like "You wanted some?" Gah! Same thing with the other LFS, but it was EIGHT months before they started carrying the rams!

I'm leaning toward the 55gal. If I could READILY get the striped kuhlis, they'd go in the 29gal in a heartbeat (since there's the tiger barbs in there, so the striping would "match").


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
Kuhlis are cool!
I made a little network of tunnels for mine out of some flexible piping.
Love watching them darting in 1 hole and out a diff 1 especially when its feeding time.
Would love soe more.