Time between water changes?


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
I was just wondering how often everyone does water changes, and how much water they change. From what I've read, once a week is ideal. What is the MAXIMUM amount of time you would let your tank go without a water change? I try to change 4 out of 20 gallons once a week, but that doesn't always happen...just wanted to get an idea of when I should really panic.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I've left my tanks w/o an actual water change for a long time and i dont advise and wont even mention the periods of time. I do water changes on my 40 gallon every week (recently got back on track since i went back to caring for my plants) and I change out 5 gallons in a single water change.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I'm still fairly new to fishkeeping and probably more religious about water changes than most. I probably do water changes on my 29 and 10 just about twice a week. The 10 I'm doing about 1 1/2 to 3 gallons and the 29 I'm probably changing about 9.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I occasionally have to go out of town for a few weeks at a time, my wife wont do water changes unless she has to, so I normally change the water (50%) the day before I leave, then a day or 2 after i get back. I typically do 50% every week or 2, I have heavily stocked tanks and almost never have any issues with water quality. Ideally you should change your water once a week, the amount is more of a personal preference but 20% is typically the minimum I have seen recommended.

Feb 27, 2009
I was just wondering how often everyone does water changes, and how much water they change. From what I've read, once a week is ideal. What is the MAXIMUM amount of time you would let your tank go without a water change? I try to change 4 out of 20 gallons once a week, but that doesn't always happen...just wanted to get an idea of when I should really panic.
There are two ways to make sure your water parameters are healthy.

If your ammonia is zero, and your nitrite is zero, and nitrates = or > 20, then I would change 25% of the water.

I would change 25% of the water every 2 weeks regardless of the above readings, unless my tank was densely planted with live plants that are healthy and growing well. Then I could stretch that time out to every 4 weeks.

Just my 2cents.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Test your water every week, or daily if your tank is new, and if your water is above 20 ppm nitrates, 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite, do a water change until the levels are lower. It also depends on how many inhabitants are in your tank and what type of species you have. If your tank is overstocked or not cycled, daily water changes are necessary until you remove fish and cycle the tank.

There are two ways to make sure your water parameters are healthy.

If your ammonia is zero, and your nitrite is zero, and nitrates = or > 20, then I would change 25% of the water.

I would change 25% of the water every 2 weeks regardless of the above readings, unless my tank was densely planted with live plants that are healthy and growing well. Then I could stretch that time out to every 4 weeks.

Just my 2cents.
I completely agree with what OC is saying here.

I have a decently planted tank and I've gone 3 weeks without water changes with no complications. But I usually just change the water every other week between 30-40%