Replacing Algae Eater

Apr 4, 2009
My Algae Eater (which I purchased only 4 months ago) has been MIA for a few days; Found him dead this morning :mad: when doing a water change. He was pretty effective, but I wanted to check with forum members on what may be a suitable replacement. I've searched for an image on the web without success (don't know the species name), but he was kinda like a worm (about 5 inches long) but tapered a bit. My tank is a 29 gallon with 6 black skirt tetras in it.
Any help appreciated. *SUNSMILE*



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
best algae eater i have seen is the emerald mythrax crab but you would have to add a lot of salt to your tank to support one of those xD
try the nerite as a replacement. but beware if you get a female youll eventually get a lot of calcareous eggs on top of tank surfaces. pitbull plecos are good replacements but its tough to find a true one. true pitbull plecos grow to similar size of otocinclus catfish.

If you get a nerite snail, make sure your water isn't too soft, it can decay their shell. Also they need plenty of algae, I've had to put a few algae wafers in before for mine, they are kind of like otos, they need that supply.

But I agree they are super effective.

Also +1 to newman, we both share the galaxy glass = nerite snail eggs everywhere like stars in the sky on the tank/plants, lol. Totally easy to scrap off though.


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2010
I like those otto cats a lot. I got two and they eat algae in the places the big farlowella cat cant quite get. they also eat the lft over scraps of food when there are some. I also have japanese black trap door snails. 1 big momma and three of her babies. also none stop grazers . they don't get rid of it completely , but I think a bit of green on the tnk wlls (just not the front ) is healthy for my little ecosystem. but it is kept under control by these guys