Small creatures

May 7, 2010
There are small creatures in my tank and I have no idea where they came from or what they are. They look like baby snails. They are stuck to plants, rock, walls and decorations. I have a large number of platys since they just keep on having babies, 2 mollies, 1 huge plecos and 7 assorted danios in a 55 gallon tank that I have had established for about a year now. I have a couple of live plants but mostly fake ones. They are too small to get a picture of otherwise I would post a pic of these things.
Any ideas?

May 7, 2010
The only thing recent I added was a dragon bubbler and 2 fake plants. Neither of these obviously had anything on them. And I just put them in 3 days ago. Otherwise everything has been in the tank for about 6 months. I have been seeing these things since then but never paid real close attention to it until now. I did purchase some live plants from two different pet stores so they may have had something in the water at petco but petsmart has nothing in their liveplant tanks. I only have 1 ruin 1 barrel bubbler and now a dragon bubbler oh and a hampster tube these guys love to push around the tank and then plants both kinds.

Dec 14, 2009
so you have been seeing them for a while? They are simply just snails, as Oc said they come in on live plants, driftwood, etc.. you can purchase liquids which can be applied to your tank and kill the snails. Apart from that they will just multiply and multiply..


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
you can just crush them and your fish will eat em.
they sound like snails, maybe some FW limpets. gastropod either way if you say it looks like a snail. not going to be harmful to you tank.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
depending on the type of snail they may chew on your plants a bit.

Some prefer to crush them, some buy assassin snails, some take them out individually using a piece of lettuce left overnight, Some reduce how much they feed their tank, some buy fish that eat snails. All of these methods work to some extent.

I currently have one, singular pond snail. I don't know how I got lucky and only have one instead of a million, but I did.