Minimum size for a fry rearing tank?


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
My fry always grow faster with slightly higher temps and in bigger areas (free in guppy tank vs. breeder net in 20g)

and yay for mts! Unfortunately my parents have stopped my madness with their foolish rules because apparently I've run the electricity bill up...
but wait! if I switch these heaters... turn this air pump into a sponge filter... move this over here... aha! I can get another tank!

Oct 3, 2010
Detriot Mi
When i had guppies mine produced rapidly maybe every year i had 2 new species. And if you don't want to by another tank just get a floating breeding thing , until their big enough to be in the tank. I traded my guppies to a pet foods and more store , they would give me any fish. try to look for family owned stores.


Small Fish
Nov 14, 2010
I went ahead and built a cabinet/stand and brought home a new 16 gallon bow front to match the one I already have xD Finished setting it all up today. I think it looks pretty spiffy and I wanted to take some pictures (also to make sure my cabinet is up to par with holding the weight of both tanks) since I finally found my cell phone.. then discovered I can't take pics with it without buying a memory card, blah. I used some of the media from my existing filter and set up the new filter, also some of the gravel and water from my existing tank, and moved over 2 platys and a danio. The second danio so far has proven absolutely impossible to catch, I think I need a bigger net :/

Of course now I want to buy some snazzy new fish but I have to remind myself that I need at least some of the room for raising these guppy fry along with any fry the platys produce until they run out of fertilizer, so to speak >_>