I figured id create a thread here in General Discussion for just some talking about dream tanks. So let the ideas fly
Heres a few of mine:
750 gallon tank
1 Jaguar Cichlid
1 Green Terror Cichlid
1 Oscar Cichlid
1 Albino Oscar Cichlid
1 Red Devil Cichlid
1 Flower Horn Cichlid
1 Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
2 Silver Arowana's
All cichlids will be Male, and will be added at the same time.I would add an Arapima but then id feel i would be going overboard LOL. Does anyone thing i should raise the gallon's? this will be awhile after i get my house and im outta college not that far away thou, 2 more years of highschool and 6 of college.
now time for the second tank.
150 gallon Malawi Tank
5 Yellow Labs
5 Zebra cichlids
5 Albino Peacock cichlids
5 Rusty Cichlids
5 Electri Blue Johanni's
3 Electric Blue Ahli's
3 Jewel Cichlids
Now my third tank
100 gallon
1 Mbu Puffer (gets 28 Inchs long )
Now the final tank for now, i could make a post 5 pages long on all my dream tanks LMAO
100 gallon SaltWater
1 Snowflake eel
2 Lionfish
Heres a few of mine:
750 gallon tank
1 Jaguar Cichlid
1 Green Terror Cichlid
1 Oscar Cichlid
1 Albino Oscar Cichlid
1 Red Devil Cichlid
1 Flower Horn Cichlid
1 Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
2 Silver Arowana's
All cichlids will be Male, and will be added at the same time.I would add an Arapima but then id feel i would be going overboard LOL. Does anyone thing i should raise the gallon's? this will be awhile after i get my house and im outta college not that far away thou, 2 more years of highschool and 6 of college.
now time for the second tank.
150 gallon Malawi Tank
5 Yellow Labs
5 Zebra cichlids
5 Albino Peacock cichlids
5 Rusty Cichlids
5 Electri Blue Johanni's
3 Electric Blue Ahli's
3 Jewel Cichlids
Now my third tank
100 gallon
1 Mbu Puffer (gets 28 Inchs long )
Now the final tank for now, i could make a post 5 pages long on all my dream tanks LMAO
100 gallon SaltWater
1 Snowflake eel
2 Lionfish