Lets talk dream tanks


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I figured id create a thread here in General Discussion for just some talking about dream tanks. So let the ideas fly :D

Heres a few of mine:

750 gallon tank
1 Jaguar Cichlid
1 Green Terror Cichlid
1 Oscar Cichlid
1 Albino Oscar Cichlid
1 Red Devil Cichlid
1 Flower Horn Cichlid
1 Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
2 Silver Arowana's

All cichlids will be Male, and will be added at the same time.I would add an Arapima but then id feel i would be going overboard LOL. Does anyone thing i should raise the gallon's? this will be awhile after i get my house and im outta college :D not that far away thou, 2 more years of highschool and 6 of college.

now time for the second tank.

150 gallon Malawi Tank
5 Yellow Labs
5 Zebra cichlids
5 Albino Peacock cichlids
5 Rusty Cichlids
5 Electri Blue Johanni's
3 Electric Blue Ahli's
3 Jewel Cichlids

Now my third tank
100 gallon
1 Mbu Puffer (gets 28 Inchs long )

Now the final tank for now, i could make a post 5 pages long on all my dream tanks LMAO

100 gallon SaltWater
1 Snowflake eel
2 Lionfish


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I would add an Arapima but then id feel i would be going overboard LOL.
Considering it's one of the largest freshwater fish in the world and has been recorded at nearly 3 metres, and would make mincemeat of all the other fish in that tank, I think "overboard" is a bit of an understatement, don't you? lol *crazysmil

That first tank strikes me as a bittt crazy, it's like, alllll of the most aggressive cichlids in one tank... I think 750 gallons just wouldn't cut it. A lake, perhaps? :p

My dream tanks are perhaps a little more normal and achievable, but nontheless expensive. First one, A biggg tank of perhaps 200 gallons, a STRICT biotope for wild green discus, and when I say strict, I mean strict. Nothing, no plant, no fish, no invert would be out of place, kinda trying to replicate the "sunken forest" look as seen during the rainy season where discus are often found, so branches, roots, leave, tree stumps etc. It's perhaps not too adventurous, and even perhaps a bit overdone, but I can't think of anything better than seeing fish happy and healthy in an environment that's as close to their wild habitat as it can be. I'd probably do the same for altum angels.

I'd also want to set up a 100 gallon coldwater paludarium to represent a typical british stream bank: sticklebacks, minnows etc, and only native plants and grasses. I would have frogs and newts in there but I think considering how migratory they are (particularly in the case of newts) this would be a bit cruel.

I'd also want to set up a couple of SE Asian biotope, perhaps the natural habitat of a betta. Not a big tank in this case. Also a jungle biotope with rasboras, barbs etc.

Now my more crazy dream.. for which I'd need a house with a basement and very good foundations. I had an idea of converting a basement or a corner of a basement into a raised pond, similar to what you see in public aquariums. It'd be in a climate-controlled area and build to represent a pond/lake left after the amazon's rainy season or perhaps a small section of amazon tributary. Again, it'd possible be biotopical, even to the outside decoration and plants, it'd effectively be a tropical greenhouse with a pond. In it I'd keep some of the bigger fish sold that aren't really appropriate for the average home aquarium, common plecos for example, in an environment where they could thrive and grow to their full potential, alongside huge shoals of small tetras, obviously in a balance where I wouldn't have to worry about fish snacking on fish.

As you can probably see.. I'm big on biotopes. I'm also planning to be ridiculously rich when I'm older haha *celebrate


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2010
Pierre SD
I want a tank where nobody dies and everybody lives forever.
Okay Mrs America.....

I would want a Giant Koi pond....At least 35,000 gallons spread out over my backyard with wooden bridges, lillies, rock and everything nice with a couple koi.....maybe like 30 koi and none of them could get sick lol....and I wouldnt need to have maintenance done and I wouldnt ever have to work on it at all and I would get lots of GFs because of it


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Im going to be a Marine Biologist Ryanoh :D

And yes MK, i want a tank full of the most agressive cichlids the world has :) my original plan was if my rich uncle leaves me his fortune he has then id just build a tank 100 feet long by 25 feet high by 75 feet wide and have a warehouse built around it :D but lets keep things within range atm LMFAO. My uncle is rich but i doubt he'd be leaving all his money to me. some of it yes but no where near all of it.

Biotope tanks are great also, love them, just not my cup of tea for the fact that i love variety as you've seen lol. Id also love to do a tank of Knifefish and eels around 500 gallons since tire track eels and fire eels need there room ;)

ive also considered doing an enourmous indoor pond with a basement viewing ground containing 2 of every Arowana species (Asian, African, Silver, Black and one more which i cant remember) but the Asians would be hard to obtain because there endangered.

Heck id love to have a freaking jungle room in my house with Monkeys etc. i just need to win the lottery :D


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
no not crazy at all haha!
I have a gigantic list going of all the dream setups that I have conjured over the past few months. there's going to be more than 20 different ones planned, most are concepts for the future, although the discus pond and some of my largest setups are more of an out-there type of thing.
I cannot share the list yet because not all of it is typed up on my PC. maybe someday soon it'll be finished enough to show you guys.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
What I realistically want is a pond terraced into the side of a hill (because I'm assuming that the house I'm going to buy one day will have a hill in the back yard) with a sort of half tank, half hole dug into the hill thing going on, and one side of it will be clear. I haven't done any research so I don't know the gallonage or anything, or if it's feasible to make one of the walls clear, but that's my big dream as of now. I don't think I'd want to go that much bigger with any insides tanks.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
What I realistically want is a pond terraced into the side of a hill (because I'm assuming that the house I'm going to buy one day will have a hill in the back yard) with a sort of half tank, half hole dug into the hill thing going on, and one side of it will be clear. I haven't done any research so I don't know the gallonage or anything, or if it's feasible to make one of the walls clear, but that's my big dream as of now. I don't think I'd want to go that much bigger with any insides tanks.
They do it for public aquariums quite a lot.. provided there are good enough foundations (it'd be a heck of an excavation job) I don't see why it wouldn't work.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I'd do a reef swimming pool and go snorkling in it.
That is one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a VERY long time, OC!!

I want a huge tank (300 gallons or more) with angels, discus, tetras, rams, cories, small plecos, otos...a good basic community only on a grand scale. I also want to turn my 46gal bowfront into a reef tank. Oh, and I want to try my hand at African cichlids, just because they're so pretty. Would do that in a 90gal or so.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Sounds like you all need to move to Hawaii or someplace in the South Pacific. That way all the fish could stay in their natural habitat, you wouldn't have to worry about who it compatible with who and you could just snorkel or scuba dive and observe. No water changes, no filters, no heaters, no cleaning!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I like the "side of the hill" pond concept. You could even do pond tiers as you go down the hill, smallest to biggest, high to low. Three tiers, with the smallest starting at around 125 gal and the biggest at around 1,000 gal?

IMO the bottom tank should be the "dinner" tank. A self-sustaining "human-feeder" tank setup would rock.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I like Aakaakaak's idea accept not the eating part LMAO, have 4 or 5 sets of giant tanks with water fall features leading into a bigger tank but with an opening at the bottom also so that they can get back into where ever they wont. But id only do that will species that enjoy alot of current and wont get hurt if the fall down the water fall :)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
I would want a huge man made "creek" dug into my yard. Just a long stretch of water with a bunch of pumps with tubes at one end and the tubes feeding the water to the other end. I'd put all kinds of native plants in and native fish (probably sunfish by maybe bass) and maybe a bullhead or something. That would be great.

Nov 25, 2010
Dream tanks

I'm loving everyones ideas for dream tanks! I would love to have a huge salt tank one day my self. Yet for now I like to dream small. My first tank I'm thinking 75 gallons assorted cichlids. And then I would really love to have a tank for discus...plants...sunken logs...the works!*GOLDFISH*