10 or 20

Nov 25, 2010
Okay I have some extra tanks I used to have set up about 2 years ago...I have 2 ten gallons, and a 20 gallon(long). I also found in my parents grauge i think a 20 high. (30x23x12 1/2). Found a stand out there too, it measures 31 inches across. I would like to have a least one 10 set up as a QT/fry rearing tank(still want to breed my bettas). My problem is is that my 16 gallon bow front is going to be for my shell dwelling cichlids...and I have 2 fish in there (if you have read my post on my ph issue you know what happened to everyone :mad: ) I have one danio and an albino cory cat left, and I need to move them, I also have 3 guppies that I can move in a few weeks (i hope). Would like to try a planted tank...dont want to get rid of the fish i have...and ideas?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
20 gallon long.
Get some more danios of the same kind.
Get some more corys of the same kind.
If you have a boy and a girl guppy their reproduction will take care of itself.
Maybe add a Dwarf Gourami and a bushynose pleco?

Nov 25, 2010
grrr...can't deside! Love the danios for some reason...never thought I would like them...love the cory cats...my mom wants me to try anglefish agian...could I use the 20 high for that? But I couldn't put the other fish in with them :/ to many desicions! May just go with that 20 idea for now....can always change it later :)


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Most people will say that you can't grow angels in a 20g high. I don't have them, nor have I ever had them, so I can't tell you one way or the other.

I have a mess of leopard danio fry that are growing out right now. They're a really spunky fish.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Lol, they're still little flitty, jumpy things mostly. Some are big enough to put in the big tank. Some are coloring up. Some are still bland albino things. It's a total mix right now.

I accidentally caught a smaller one with a bigger one and plunked the two in the big tank with the bolivian ram and snakeskin gourami. Man, that was a fast snack. Poor little guy. They didn't bug the bigger one though.

Edit: They'll look like this when they grow up:

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Nov 25, 2010
haha, gotta love cichlids....yes they are very cute! I kinda like the regualr danios, but I am starting toget attached to the long finned ones as well. Which I am assuming would not go well with the guppies. Here is my question...what is everyone doing with all their fry? U have some and I think there is another person in this forum that has a bunch and I know that the cichlids I am getting are heavy breeders lol. ;)


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Where do you live? I wouldn't feel comfortable shipping in the winter, but if you're close enough I could dump some off on you. :D

There's a LFS that's willing to buy them off me for small change once they're old enough. I'm figuring about a month, maybe two.

I'd check with a legitimate small business LFS. Most of them will buy local because it's cheaper and the fish are much healthier. There's one here that buys fancy guppies and angels from a local guy. They're nearly perfect specimens.

Edit: some people use heavy breeder species and feeder fish.

Nov 25, 2010
thats kewl! Unfortunate there are really only 2 LFS around here that would buy anything...I live in Indiana...and I understand you reluctance with shipping in the winter. I am hoping since the multies I am going to get dont seem to be readly avalible at our fishstores they may buy them from me :) But I got to get them first lol

Nov 25, 2010
No I haVe not... But will do! When I went to the fish store yesterday I about lost my mind! Lol. I saw alot of fish that I havennever seen, including varietys I didn't know existed. They had a strain of platy called a candy platy! It was beautiful! Not to mention a type of serum that was whitish with red spot! Now all I want to do is get ahold of those stupid platys and keep them! Lol

Nov 25, 2010
Well I no longer have any guppies. Noticed that they had ick 2 days ago...desired to put them in my main tank cause they had it...and today one was dead...now the male is dead...don't know what happened...it's the same freaking water with the same peramitors...blah...whatever...not like guppies r hard to come by lol

Nov 25, 2010
Just a thought...My little albino Cory is very active...I've never seen one so active! He is constantly swimming around nibbling at things, and he swims up to about mid lvl...rubs along the glass and then goes back down and nibs agian lol

Nov 25, 2010
After thought

I have this African cichlid substrate that is like sand and black and white. I love this substrate for some reason(probably the way it looks).this sand helps with high ph. So I was thinking those a pair of rams for that reason. I know my poor little fish that I have left like it fine. In fact my Cory cat loves it! He's extremely active since it was put it. He swims in and out of things, gets into the shells that r in there, swims all over the place. My danio even comes down and watches him sometimes lol. Anywho that was my line of thought. Want to keep these two silly fish and get them some friends(since they seems to try to get eachothers company so often) and have a decent center piece for my 20. Not crazy about groumis for some reason..unless there is more than 1. So based on that what r everones ideas.