29g tank stocking suggestions please


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
so, i'm cycling my 29g again (epic fail the first time), and I'm looking for stocking suggestions. I want color and variety. Right now I have 5 danios and 1 juvi angel (s/he'll move when he gets bigger). I want some gourami, but I know they can be aggressive towards each other and towards the angel... so... any suggestions?
(pics of what you are suggesting would be great since I don't know all that much about fish). There's one cool little guy at the LFS, but I don't know what he is. He's about 3/4", dark bg with cream spots. There were no close employees, so I didn't ask. I know he's not a leopard danio, but I don't know what he is.
Thanks in advance!


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
for some reason I can't see your pic. it happened when I ws trying to look at the progress of your 46g bow... do i need to do something to view it?

I did look it up tho, and I have to agree it's a gorgeous fish! I was hoping for something with more vibrant colors also. I'm thinking a school of neons, but I kinda want something a little less common...

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Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
possibly, but I don't remember the color on the fins... I may have to go back there tomorrow to see what it is for sure... I want to get some later on, once I can get my tank balanced.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
heehee, took the wifey to the lfs to re-test my water... turned out theirs is more accurate, and my parameters are in range, so L picked out some fish. we got a male guppy (red and yellow with some black, can't remember what type he is), a red platy & a opalescent gourami. (I've got her excited about the fish, finally!)

the platy is in the 29g with 5 danios, the juvie angel and the gourami... i know the gourami & the angel may have aggression issues. if that happens, I am prepaired to seperate them and put the juvi angel into a smaller tank for the time being. i'm a little iffy on the platy being in with the gourami & the angel, but i'm not too worried about the fry. I plan on putting the platy in a fry net when she is about to give birth... I was originally going to put her with the guppies in the 10g, but decided against it for stocking reasons (there are 3 adult guppies, 3 neons, and about 20 fry)...

am I making mistakes here? (glaring or otherwise). I'm still new at this, and sometimes get carried away by all my possibilities. is there anything I should change? how? The 29g is getting pretty densley planted, and the 10g guppy tank is pretty well planted.

my only other plans for both tanks is some shrimp as a janitorial crew. I know the angel and the gourami will likely eat the shrimp eventually, but I will try to move them before the fish get big enough to do that. the guppy tank will get a few more cherry shrimp. I'm thinking larger ghost shrimp for the big tank...



Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Don't put the mother in the fry net. Herd the babies that survive into the fry net. Those little boxes are prone to freaking mother fish out to the point of dying if they're in there for any extended period of time (I.E. greater than an hour).