I've searched high and low and can't find a refractometer or salinity test for freshwater tanks. Are they out there? any links?
When you google it all you find are a bunch of replies about not needing to test it, just do water changes and add your 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons and it'll eventually be right blah blah. yeah I know all that. I'd like to actually test it though and see what it is. I often wonder where mine is at and would like the ability to test it.
For example I have multiple tanks at home and often wonder why I have variations between them. Sometimes certain fish or snails or even plants with thrive in all but one of my tanks and when looking for differences and issues salinity of the water is one thing I'm always guessing.
Also who's to say how accurate or rather inaccurate my water calculations are each week when I do water changes and slowly over time I could have some tanks much saltier than others.
Anyhow I was wondering if anyone found something that will work that's reasonably priced?
When you google it all you find are a bunch of replies about not needing to test it, just do water changes and add your 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons and it'll eventually be right blah blah. yeah I know all that. I'd like to actually test it though and see what it is. I often wonder where mine is at and would like the ability to test it.
For example I have multiple tanks at home and often wonder why I have variations between them. Sometimes certain fish or snails or even plants with thrive in all but one of my tanks and when looking for differences and issues salinity of the water is one thing I'm always guessing.
Also who's to say how accurate or rather inaccurate my water calculations are each week when I do water changes and slowly over time I could have some tanks much saltier than others.
Anyhow I was wondering if anyone found something that will work that's reasonably priced?