...hey everyone! Long time no talk (with some)
If I might make a suggestion (forgive me if it's already been made) but, speaking as someone who's been 'new' to this hobby several times in my life and one who just recently overcrowded the crap out of a 'new' 30 gallon... I will forever make 2 stocking recommendations for anyone with a tank 30+ gallons.
The Convict Cichlid and Gold Barbs. These two, in my opinion, amongst the litany of hardy tetras that are out there, are the best. They are active, brave and EXCEEDINGLY hardy. They will eat as many times a day as you want to feed them (although ONCE is plenty in nearly all situations) and they are not picky eaters. I have even put a small piece of lunch meat and pieces of lettuce in there and they will both go after it.
I have an almost full grown convict cichlid in my south american tropical community 30 gallon (see my signature) and he is the best. Yellow eyes, small yellow reflective spots on the lower stomach, shades and hints of blue in his fins and of course, gray and black stripes. Other than some african cichlids and the blue rams (another personal fave but NOT for beginners..) he is the closest you can get to an amazing tropical and even salt-water feel. He's active, has toughed out some precarious water situations and has given me his all throughout my trials and errors in the fish keeping hobby. I know they like to form pairs but I have one. In all my experimentation and research, having one is usually ok in a community and no one seems to bother him and vice versa. He will chase some of the other fish around but never actually bumps, nips or bites them. He sometimes schools with my blue rams and loves hanging out with the gold barbs. He hides, seeks, plays and comes to the front of the tank whenever I enter the room. I will be a convict cichlid owner until the day I die. I love them.
Gold barbs I would recommend for all of the same reasons except they truly are the most passive and hardy individuals I can imagine. They NEVER bother anyone. They are always swimming around and don't even always have to school together. They will eat whatever you give them and they can take a wide range of water parameters. They add a really great splash of intense yellow/orange color and can get along with pretty much any other fish species. Plus, for the goldfish lover in a lot of you (not me personally) these little guys are probably the closest you can get to goldfish without the mess, hassle and (in my opinion) cheesyness.. (don't mean to offend.. sorry!)
The only other things I would recommend for new tank stocking options are tetras. You pretty much, in most cases, have to be a sadistic, cold hearted, neglectful aquarist to kill off tetras. They can be susceptable to Ich at times, but can get through almost anything if you put a MINIMUM of 3 together, but will do VERY well in groups of 5 or more.