Revamped into fish keeping


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My mother took me to Petsmart yesterday and looking at all the fish just recharged me into fishkeeping. So she said i can setup my 10 gallon for my birthday again and i really want to do it right this time. Id like to include a Male Crowntail Betta in there with some small schooling fish and some Kuhli's. what i was thinking was id do a sand bottom and do a small school of 5 midwater fish and 5 Kuhli Loachs. Please help me stock this one right where i will be able to show my mom and everyone that i CAN do it. I will of course get my API test kit and my Manual gravel vacume before i get the fish. Offer stocking options.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
ten gallons is for ten or less fish so the betta and some neons might work out like say five to six neons and the betta

just dont make the noob mistake of wayy too many fish in a small tank your suggested stock plan is already wayy too many fish


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Well What i would suggest is get the 5 Kuhlis wait two weeks then add the betta. Then wait 2 more weeks and decide then if you should continue to add fish.

Care: All kuhlis need well-established aquaria and should not be considered for newly set up tanks. Lots of hiding places with soft substrate. Best kept in groups, the larger the better. Three fish is the absolute minimum that should be kept together.
That being said... just take your time.. like go super duper slow...

Oct 29, 2010
yeah ammonia from the bottle ;)
Haha, we have a winner! Loaches definitely need a cycled tank. And kuhlis are so cute! It'd be tragic to lose them due to impatience.

Betta+Kuhlis sounds fine, but that will be fully stocked. Remember, kuhlis grow to be around four inches, so you'll have 22 inches of fish in there! That's plenty.

Sand bottom sounds good too, kuhlis love that!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
ummm my allergies are so bad I have to take steroids almost all year long and still can't go into a bar even though Michigan banned smoking in bars a year ago in may... I can do ammonia, you only use a very small amount, its nothing like the water you would use to strip wax off a floor. Fish in is sorta cruel if you think about it, it would be like starving you or subjecting you to poison fumes for a week or a month... yeah you would probably survive but... man that would suck

Just trying to help ya out here, we have come down pretty hard on you in the past for doing things the wrong way. :(


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I would use pure ammonia personally because it's less messy in my opinion. I know fish food decays and all but for some reason I like using ammonia better. I would like to think that ammonia is faster because you don't have to wait for the fish food to decay.

Also just to give my input on your stocking. I think a single betta and five kuhli's is good but you shouldn't add anymore fish to the tank (for the reasons people have already stated and that you have experienced in the past).

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