Platy School or Single Angelfish


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Hey aak!! I can find a way to give you some of my Smokey Gray Tiger Platy fry when they're big enough. I think I have a few Red Tiger (Bleeding Heart) Platies too. Are you looking for Red Wag Platies with black stripes?? I know that red is a dominant gene, so it might cover up the stripes. PM me if you're interested though!!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I'm still in the infancy of looking into this. I may end up taking a somewhat mixed bag and introducing tiger stripes of some kind. Heck, I still need another small bag of black gravel to plant all the green onion bulbs in the back of the tank. Right now they're still floating.

Besides, if my wife got a box of live fish in the mail she'd absolutely freak. She really doesn't understand fish, unless you're cooking them.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Okay, fish in. I'll get pics out probably this weekend. It's been nuts lately. Tonight I was consumed by my son's "balsa wood airplane" project for most of the night....and....I just realized I'm going to have to reschedule my VM VCE test again because I'm stuck in meetings Friday. Ugh, if it wasn't for fish....

So I ended up buying 2x male mickey mouse tigers, 2xfemale sunburst wags, 2xfemale red wags. Maybe in a couple three months after all the hits are done and birthed the wags will breed out some tiger patterns....or maybe not. Who knows?


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
so i think angel fish are a bit like kittens.... you never know what you will really end up with size and temperment wise....

Not only am i the fish lady but i am also borderline cat lady (well not really but the man says i am) I have a cat who acts like she was beaten (except i know for sure she was not, i have had her since 8 weeks and she was born to a stray at a friends house) but when you reach down to pet her she cowers and runs

I have a cat who molests any person who gets with in 10 feet he actually was abused... but is seriously a pest 50% of the time.

and i have a cat who is a mommas boy and hisses and growels at other people, gets real mad if someone moves him from his spot and generally is an aggressive snot to persons other then me....

angels work the same way, some do GREAT in a community set up, they dont peck, dont murder, and generally are fun and pretty fish..... Some are murderous a-holes that cant co-exist with anyone else.... some get huge some stay small.... just like picking a kitten when picking an angel fish know that you really never know what you are going to get.

Apr 14, 2008
TBH, I don't really agree with that...

They ALL should grow that big and if they don't, they're really's like encouraging common/comet goldfish to stay 4" long their entire lives. They CAN, but they're really stunted and unhappy...

Every healthy angelfish I've had or seen gets around-ish Doom's size[or atleast big nonetheless]...

And I have 11 cats too so I do get the personality difference thing...angels are very lovable fish[Doom is staring at me right now, begging for food] towards humans but can act differently around certain fish[like she hasn't eaten a small pristella the entire time it's been here but she's killed the others]...

Soo...anyways, aak, any pics of the new platies?

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