froggy help

Apr 18, 2011
my little frog was once pretty active. but now he just hangs out and i feel like he doesnt go up for air as often. He was just recently moved to a much larger tank, but the first day or two he acted normal but now he seems to not be the same. im having a hard time feeding it as well.... for im not possitive on what is best for him to eat. also i heard that aquatic frogs are blind?

any suggestions on what to feed him, or any info on his activity?

also I have a castle in the tank which he seems to hide in the inside the very top of the roofs (if that makes any sense), is that OK? can he find a way out? or is he having trouble finding a way out/ stuck?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I wouldn't recommend a Dwarf Puffer (DP) with frogs because like everyone has already said frogs are relatively delicate. DP are also pretty active fish and enjoy "hunting".
Shrimp and other slow moving, bottom feeders can be targets.

Feb 27, 2009
Puffers need to grind their teeth on hard surfaces, like bones and shells, or they grow too long and they can't eat anything.
The dwarf freshwater puffers do not need to eat shells or other hard objects to keep their teeth healthy. Not that they don't LOVE snails! Every dwarf I've kept would eat the entire snail if it was small, but for larger ones, they'd just eat the snail out of the shell and leave the shells behind.

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
My frogs have always loved their bloodworms, i would also tong feed them rehydrated freeze-dried shrimps. I had a huge one in a 100 gal community my mom set up for us when we were kids but it was sadly destroyed in an earthquake :(