Does Cycle Even do Anything?

Sep 21, 2004
Baton Rouge, LA
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I think I was in the same boat as Erirku, when I had my tank back years ago, I had never heard of "cycling". I just set up the tank, let it run over night and added the fish to it the next day. I never had any problems with fish dying. I had everything in the tank from neons to Angels to gouramis to guppies and platies. (Not all at the same time though).. None of them seems to be uncomfortable, most of them died from age or I finally had to take the tank down and take them back to the LFS. I am working on trying to get another tank now, but I will probably go thru the cycling process since I am now living in a different state and am not sure about the water here for fish tanks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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I cannot believe the mindless naivity of this thread - do you genuinley not know what cycling a tank is ?

"whats the point of this bacteria stuff"

"never bothered cycling a tank before"

"do i add cycle for ever"

and one of you has the nerve to call yourself fishmaster?

ffs....... - "how to cycle fish tank"

a whole new world awaits you (or give up fish keeping!)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Originally posted by Purple
I cannot believe the mindless naivity of this thread - do you genuinley not know what cycling a tank is ?

"whats the point of this bacteria stuff"

"never bothered cycling a tank before"

"do i add cycle for ever"

and one of you has the nerve to call yourself fishmaster?

ffs....... - "how to cycle fish tank"

a whole new world awaits you (or give up fish keeping!)
edit......look sorry to come on so hard guys - but you and your fish are survivng by luck more than by judgement - please read up on "cycling a tank" and move on with the hobby from that point. it's the fish I care about - or I wouldn't be posting on are all missing a heck of a lot of what's going on in your tanks, and you should try and be the best you can be (for your fish) mmmk

Sep 21, 2004
Baton Rouge, LA
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I do believe I mentioned that i would be cycling my tank when I do set one back up. Like I also mentioned. At the time I had never heard of "cycling" a tank.. keep in mind this was over 10 years ago. I have never claimed to be someone who knows it all, I was just a highschooler who loved fishtanks. I was learning and am still learning about tanks. I have learned a great deal from MFT, and hiop to continue learning from it, just please bear with us "newbies" and understand that we do make mistakes. If we are intelligent we WILL learn from them. I hope that others will learn from this as I will, so peace and lets be friends.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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agreed - shared knowledge counts over most things.....and yes - my first post was a knee jerk reaction......but the sensible people (like yourself) aside, there are some pretty scary comments on this thread about "it never mattered to me or my fish"

so - to the ones who don't understank "cycling" - come on - google the concept and do your fish a favour guys - please....

I made a right mess of it when i started out - just don't want to see it happen to others

Jul 1, 2011
I'm with you Super Fish... this is proof that forums not only need to exist but people need to use them properly and with a pinch of salt.

If you take your advice from people that "don't need advice" you are setting yourself up for a fall... the first rule of fishclub is that you don't talk about fishclub, the second is that you keep your damn ears open to those with the knowledge or you WILL treat your fish badly, whether you can tell or not... this thread is sickeningly empty of usable info for the OP, let it be a lesson :(

Cycle works, so does safe start, so does interpet filter start and so on and so on... you need to learn about the nitrogen cycle... ammonia comes out of fish, it gets eaten and converted to nitrates by bateria, then more bacteria change that to nitrates... nitrates are poison, as is ammonia... you need to get bacteria in there either the old-fashioned way or quickly the bottled way, it's up to you which way but you MUST do it...

Aslo... ffs... that is all.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Cycle works, so does safe start, so does interpet filter start and so on and so on... you need to learn about the nitrogen cycle... ammonia comes out of fish, it gets eaten and converted to nitrates by bateria, then more bacteria change that to nitrates... nitrates are poison, as is ammonia... you need to get bacteria in there either the old-fashioned way or quickly the bottled way, it's up to you which way but you MUST do it...
First off... bravo on the thread necromancy... 7 years, that's quite a dead thread to resurrect...

On the point of Cycle (the product): I've seen absolutely no evidence that it adds anything useful to the tank. Back in the day (probably around the time this thread was created), I did a couple tests (fishless cycling the same tank several times, both with Cycle and without), and saw absolutely no difference in cycling time.

The best (and really only) way to "jump start" the cycle of your tank is to add gravel or filter media from an established tank.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
While this is a very old and once very dead thread, It's actually something that is great for noobs to read :)

I think cycle in a bottle works poorly if at all. The best way imho to jump start a tank is to use dirty filter water (by swishing the media to create goop in a bucket of fish water) then dump it into a new tank. I know people who have even talked LFS into hooking them up with goop if they were willing to buy fish. The bacteria won't live with out fish waste so you really need to add fish ASAP if you are going this route.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I actually think Im going to try some miracle cycle products in the near future just to see if they actually work. There are quite a few more on the market now than when this thread was started, so who knows. Plus I dont have any tanks to seed from, and I wouldnt dare put the water or media from any lfs around here into any tank of mine.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Well – old thread or not – if the “noobs” are reading this, I think we can now give a definitive answer to the question.

It will do no harm to use these products, but you shouldn't rely on them to cycle your tank.

Maybe you will find that for you they provide a “quick fix” - maybe they will speed up the natural process – maybe they will do absolutely nothing.

So - the oldest rule in the book still applies …...... go slowly, test often, and be patient.

You have to remember that cycling a tank often takes up to six weeks, and adding more fish just because you can't wait is going to stress out the load the cycle can take. There are no guarantees in a bottle that will negate that.

When your tank is ready, it's ready, and your tank doesn't care what the label on a bottle says about that.

There's no harm in trying this stuff – but like I said – don't rely on it – rely on your test kit instead.

The only fool proof way I have ever found to instantly cycle a tank, is to run an extra filter on an existing tank for a month or so – then fill the new tank, add fish, and add the cycled filter (whilst it's still dripping wet from the original tank it was in).

Gunk from a fish shop is not ideal – it may start things off, but it will not get the filter up to speed straight away, it will still need time to build up (could be a couple of weeks). You also run the risk of transferred disease, snails, other parasites and goodness only knows what else.

In short, for a total newcomer, or to anyone else starting from scratch, there is no easy fast answer.

It's when you don't appreciate that that mistakes happen.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Sure, but I think most people prefer to try to get an unbiased fact about products. Any manufacturer of anything is going to say their product works great and is the best thing since the wheel, but that dont meen it really is.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Yes, I did a test with TSS. However, it was much better than a fish-in cycle. I didn't have to change the water every day and nothing died. The water tests showed a max of .5-1 ammonia at its peak and there was no nitrite spike. That .5-1 ammonia can be ammonia or ammonium as they supposedly both register on the standard liquid kit. Both the TSS and the Prime I used help to neutralize the ammonia anyway. I lost zero fish and none of them ever appeared distressed. I had five cherry barbs in the tank throughout the cycle.

TL;DR: It worked better than a fish-in.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
That particular article answered a lot of questions and a manufacturer also has to develop a good reputation to stay in business. What I have noticed since reading that article and reading all the threads on different forums in the past year or more - few people use the product per directions, then they ask other members who frequently haven't used the product for help and others chime in with all kinds of suggestions. Eventually few people ever consider calling for technical support if they get stuck. I have found that most of the reputable suppliers have been really good at answering any question when you call, they have been good with call back and the ones I have spoke to have tanks they maintain and are in the hobby themselves. Personally I find it is we individuals who have developed our opinions and they can be very biased - probably including me. But I still think a lot of people would rather ask directions, than read them and then the result winds up to include opinion and you are never sure of the exact source of info.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
That article you posted was one of two that got me to look deeper into TSS and Seachem Stability. The "dump it in once" simplicity of TSS is what makes me more confident in it than Stability. I'd say in that aspect it's easier than a fishless cycle. Most of the cycling methods work properly if done properly.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Ah, so right AakAak! The operative word is "properly". For a year now I have read posts on cycling and the advise given is often so contradictory that it would be hard to follow for a beginner and many of the old timers have actually never used ammonia from scratch - they seeded their tanks from existing tanks. One I remember rather well - a college student used the dead shrimp method - her room smelled, the water turned yellow, roommates complained. She had asked question after question, but in the end no one answered her question about what to do about the yellow water and we never heard from her again. (She did know whether to drain it or if it was supposed to resolve by itself - I don't know the answer to that and probably no one else did either lol) She may have lost her room mate.

Jul 1, 2011
I sell that in my shop, use it in my shop and have confirmed that when you bother to check your nitrite readings which as we all know are an indicator of nitrifying bacteria activity, the nitrite readings drop and your tank reaches a balance... not to mention that when adding this product to a new tank with fish there is an instantaneous and undenyable tank setup struck...

I'm not just saying this because I want to sell the products as I'm from the UK and it would make no differrence to most of the people on here... I'm saying this because people are doubting the effectiveness of a proven set of products that are used every day in aquarists stores and in my own in particular. It's not voodoo it's science :p Anyway, no disrespect intended to anyone, of course I'm just here to add my own opinion, and help if at all possible :)