Does Cycle Even do Anything?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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in the end no one answered her question about what to do about the yellow water and we never heard from her again. (She did know whether to drain it or if it was supposed to resolve by itself - I don't know the answer to that and probably no one else did either lol) She may have lost her room mate.
The answer to that one is fairly straightforward - but sometimes these threads get missed by the members who could best respond.

We also get a few questions that pop up as someones first post, and it's a judgement call as to wether they have posted that same questions on 12 different forums, got an answer somewhere else, and never revisited here ......... it takes time to write up some responses, and it can be disheartening to see that time wasted.

Then there are the ones who have made a huge stocking mistake, and are simply not going to listen to any advice - there's one of those now which I am deliberately ignoring, as the damage has been done.

What keeps us going are the success stories - genuine questions - advice given and taken - resulting in happy outcomes for the fish and the keeper

The worrying thing about the "cycle in a bottle" treatments, is when people rely on them to work without having any contingency plan - the "I don't need to test the water because the bottle says it will work" brigade.

Sometimes the old methods don't work either - and that's why we have test kits - so like I said ...... great if it works for you, but still test as you go along.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
......... it takes time to write up some responses, and it can be disheartening to see that time wasted.
Good moderator or not, I feel this way a LOT. There are a lot of times I run across something that I have knowledge on a very personal level and I could really help the person out. But when I take the time to sit down, write a very informative response that will help in the long run, just to be ignored because someone else posted something they saw on another website about someone elses second cousins ex wife do. And that may sound selfish, like if everyone doesn't listen to me then your going to fail, not at all. But it just gets tiring after so many years at it, when you know the good from the bad, but people would just rather go with whats quick, easy and gets results now. That attitude normally ends up with lots of dead fish.

Some days it really is like "whats the point". But then there are the members that come with 12 goldfish in a bowl and ask why they are dying, and then within a year or two they have some of the nicest, healthiest tanks around. It's the ones who want to grow that still make it fun. And I do have a few people in mind who didn't like to listen to what the common word was. No one that's been on the board in the past 3 or 4 years that's for sure. But even some of those guys did things different, and in the end was able to find a new little niche of the hobby they really enjoyed. (others were, well, just better off with a rock in a bowl of water)

Anyway, we are here to help each other. If you ask a question, you should be prepared to get answers that you might not like. If you answer a question, you should be prepared to back it up.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
I vaguely remember my first time on here – lol – all I had was 3 sailfin plecs, 3 Oscars, 3 Severums, and a catfish in the same 50 gal tank …..... hey, I didn't know what a cycle was – not helped by a crashing cannister.

I think it was Wayne who pointed out a “few potential problems” back then – mind you, the Parrots and the Midas were not a good addition.

I learnt the hard way, and I wouldn't have learned at all if it wasn't for this place and the people in it – the memory of that draws me back here to help others, and gives me the patience to do so.

I believe my signature once read “Tank Disaster Recovery Expert” …...... and it was no idle boast

As you say, we all start somewhere - and some learn from it