So, my live-bearer tank got wicked over-stocked with all the fry that were surviving... At first, I tried moving just my glass cats and my little lone rainbow. I still had a ton of fishin that tank. I visited my lfs, and managed to trade 20 or so fish for some different ones for my gourami tank. My live-bearer tank ous still cranking out the fry, so I moved out all 7 of my adult female guppies. They seem to gerr the ones producing the highest yield of offspring. I'm hoping that the female betta & the gourami will help slow down the population explosions.
My new stocking for all tanks looks like this:
10g #1:
1 male betta
10g #2:
1 female betta
5 female guppies
29g live-bearer:
3 zebra danios
5 cardinal & neon tetras
4 male guppies
2 male red wag patys
6 assorted female plaited
4 lyre tail damnation mollies
2 ballon-belly mollies
1 bumblebee goby
1 albino bristlenose pleco
Way too many fry
29g gourami tank:
2 female pearl gourami
4 glass cats
1 garra rufa
1 clear unknown rainbow
1 blue ram
1 otocat
2 bushynose plecos
2 female guppies
How does that look? Any changes or suggestions?
My new stocking for all tanks looks like this:
10g #1:
1 male betta
10g #2:
1 female betta
5 female guppies
29g live-bearer:
3 zebra danios
5 cardinal & neon tetras
4 male guppies
2 male red wag patys
6 assorted female plaited
4 lyre tail damnation mollies
2 ballon-belly mollies
1 bumblebee goby
1 albino bristlenose pleco
Way too many fry
29g gourami tank:
2 female pearl gourami
4 glass cats
1 garra rufa
1 clear unknown rainbow
1 blue ram
1 otocat
2 bushynose plecos
2 female guppies
How does that look? Any changes or suggestions?