New versions of my stocking.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
So, my live-bearer tank got wicked over-stocked with all the fry that were surviving... At first, I tried moving just my glass cats and my little lone rainbow. I still had a ton of fishin that tank. I visited my lfs, and managed to trade 20 or so fish for some different ones for my gourami tank. My live-bearer tank ous still cranking out the fry, so I moved out all 7 of my adult female guppies. They seem to gerr the ones producing the highest yield of offspring. I'm hoping that the female betta & the gourami will help slow down the population explosions. :)

My new stocking for all tanks looks like this:

10g #1:
1 male betta

10g #2:
1 female betta
5 female guppies

29g live-bearer:
3 zebra danios
5 cardinal & neon tetras
4 male guppies
2 male red wag patys
6 assorted female plaited
4 lyre tail damnation mollies
2 ballon-belly mollies
1 bumblebee goby
1 albino bristlenose pleco
Way too many fry

29g gourami tank:
2 female pearl gourami
4 glass cats
1 garra rufa
1 clear unknown rainbow
1 blue ram
1 otocat
2 bushynose plecos
2 female guppies

How does that look? Any changes or suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Its still a little tight in the 29g's by my standards. I try not to exceed 1" per gallon of water, of course this is not the case in everything. I figure if you can keep pristine water conditions with this ratio then you can bump up the count slowly. Most important is the water conditions. Are your nitrates staying under 20PPM between weekly water changes? IF so, you are probably going to be OK!!!

Oct 15, 2010
If you had to, you could put a divider in the 10g with the male betta and move a couple gupps in there...I wouldn't put them together, just in case, but it would be fine if you stuck a divider in and then added guppies!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am a little confused - do you have 7 tanks? And what does 1.1 beta consist of? If it would work, I would attempt to put a betta in the 29g tank. I am finding I don't have any fry if I have a betta in the tank. They apparently do a pretty good job of "cleaning up" the fry. I think it is fun to have fry and watch them grow, but I think a lot of folks don't realize the problems with dealing with over population.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I am a little confused - do you have 7 tanks? And what does 1.1 beta consist of? If it would work, I would attempt to put a betta in the 29g tank. I am finding I don't have any fry if I have a betta in the tank. They apparently do a pretty good job of "cleaning up" the fry. I think it is fun to have fry and watch them grow, but I think a lot of folks don't realize the problems with dealing with over population.
The other three tanks are in his signature so he only has four tanks (correct me if I'm wrong mdngtrain).

I wouldn't add the betta to the 29gallon rather add the fry to his tank if you want to eliminate your fry that way. Your betta might become stressed in a high population tank such as your 29gallon. I agree that your tanks look a little overstocked....I would get rid of some of the guppies. But if you are keeping an eye on the water parameters and doing good gravel cleanings and weekly water changes I think things should be ok. Kinda like what KcMopar said.